There may be no more “functional” Mads out there, but there’s a crapton of zombies, intelligent machines, uplifted animals, and assorted scientific abominations, many with an attitude. I wonder how A-Sig plans to deal with them? (The fact that they didn’t just blow up the train indicates they want to capture it fairly intact to harvest the technology).
I want one.
There may be no more “functional” Mads out there, but there’s a crapton of zombies, intelligent machines, uplifted animals, and assorted scientific abominations, many with an attitude. I wonder how A-Sig plans to deal with them? (The fact that they didn’t just blow up the train indicates they want to capture it fairly intact to harvest the technology).
Well, what if some nonhumans are capable of reality blindness?
Do they not believe in their own existence?
Good question! Just how would Vicka react to her own sapient locks of hair?
shave here head because of nits
That actually brings up another question; at what point does “self- improvement” render a spark nonhuman? Wouldn’t Vicka be a mutant? @_@
They simply believe they are ordinary humans and refuse to think otherwise.
It’s Mundane humans they wouldn’t believe in.
Doesn’t Sweetheart long to be a simple housewife in Akron?
In all fairness, it’s not like the Mad Tech Support Guy was ever that functional to begin with.
“How did you escape the gas! It would be impossi…oh, right.”
Finding a cure to The Cure? Why, that’s imposs-
Oh. OH!
Running gag ampli- this comic just got way more surreal.
That was your threshold?
Reality and this universe have never really been on speaking terms.
Come to think of it, the same could be said of our universe.
Oh, our universe has plenty of reality.
The problem is the shortage of sanity.
Oh my GODS, I want one; that’s basically my Holy Grail there…
Sir! They have a running gag amplifier.
There’s no way we can win now. Retreat!
Brilliant. I am in awe.
…My guts are going to hurt for days from laughing at this.
I’m waiting for Helen to pop in and go “Alright, who stole my formula! You owe me royalties!”
Ruby has a doctorate?
She’s “a physicist who does innovative work with lasers”, so I’d expect so.
Sure. Don’t you?
Two years of community college. Even then, I got most of my education outside of class.
The last insane humans are here. Escaping the Cure atmosphere. They’re thrown for a loss-able: Nothing’s impossible! These Ph.D. doctors appear.
If there truly was a running gag amplifier, the world would be up to it’s kiester in African and European swallows.
Laden or unladen?
It would depend on which was funnier.
s/it’s/its/ (poop!)
Is “just invented it” part of the running gag?
Not so much “part of” the running gag, but rather “one of” the running gags.