Pork Rinds are the best. I’m convinced if they made scoop-shaped pork rinds, it would be the best thing since sliced bread, which apparently isn’t as novel as it sounds.
Here we call them Chicharrones and they can come in great fried sheets as large as a small child or in fist sized nuggets with (also fried) meat still attached. Now I want some…
Tip is Jonesing for some Tigerlily!
Pork Rinds are the best. I’m convinced if they made scoop-shaped pork rinds, it would be the best thing since sliced bread, which apparently isn’t as novel as it sounds.
Epic and 1504 both make scoop shaped pork rinds.
Loving the air quotes around “narc”.
Honestly, at some point these two are going to actually have sex and it’s going to be crazy.
I foresee groans, screams, and the wanton destruction of nearby property when that occurs.
Here we call them Chicharrones and they can come in great fried sheets as large as a small child or in fist sized nuggets with (also fried) meat still attached. Now I want some…
(TUNE: “Tiptoe Through The Tulips”, Al Dubin & Joe Burke)
Through the pork lips …
No more kale chips!
Just some collard greens!
I’m picking
Through the pork lips
With beans!
Soul food,
Tastin’ so good,
Sets the right mood
For some kissy-face!
But don’t fret,
‘Cause you won’t get
First base!
Daring … to make a remark,
Swearing … that you’re not a narc!
But still you’re
For some groping!
But I’m “Nope”-ing!
You know what that means!
Just leave me
With my pork lips
And beans!
Today’s strip wasn’t up on my GoComics page this morning. I’d like to think it was too raw for their tastes…it’s the romantic in me.
Maybe too deep fried?
Shadowmehr: and then the sex begins