Anders Smith (mrsitouh) says:
Poor Tip – you can see the desire to hit bottom warring with the very real possibility that there isn’t one all over his face.
Derek Burrow (bard) says:
This is actually reminding me of that Freakazoid mini-cartoon, “Lord Bravery”. There was an episode that was spent trying to copyright his name by convincing other stores in a chain to change their names so the bake shop named “Lord Bravery’s” would change theirs. And each time…a similar problem.
Lord Smoked Meats and Fishes, indeed.
Jack Charos (jackofchaos) says: I was caught off guard the last three times, but cobras can’t be cute… can they?
Alycia Shedd (leeshajoy) says: I was caught off guard the last three times, but cobras can’t be cute… can they?
Dude. It’s Shaenon. EVERYTHING she draws is cute.
Michael Brewer (wusemajor) says: Given that these are misfit toys, I’d worry more that the Cobras were action figures.
John Campbell (jcampbel) says: If I were in Tip’s heels, I think this is about the point where I’d hire the centipedes to exterminate the silverfish and call it a day.
NigaiAmai Yume (nigaiamai_yume) says: “There’s a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza…” ^-^
So It Begins (soitbegins) says: Did anyone here not see this coming?
Scott Davidson (mrson) says:
I *knew* that this was an RPG style side quest!
…At least it’s not a fetch quest. You start with: “You must bring us the holy sword of light”, and the next guy says: “to give you the sword of light, you must bring us the golden peach”… And a few dozen links down the chain you’re asking yourself why you’re carrying three elephant minis carved from coprolite and a broken ham radio.
So It Begins (soitbegins) says: Today on the Mad Scientist Wars:
The Tinkeroopas vs. L.U.I.G.I., the Rescue of Jane Narbon, and What SoItBegins Did Inside The Bottle.
Only on Comics By Shaenon II – comicsbyshaenon dot free-forums dot org !! Visit it today!!
Jane Narbon (lady_madsci) says: … (blink) (blink)
First silverfish, then centipedes, then misfit toys, now cobras. What’s next, goats?!
Owl Who says South (owlsayssouth) says: First silverfish, then centipedes, then misfit toys, now cobras. What’s next, goats?!
Spider goats.
Ed Gedeon (eddurd) says:
Dammit Martin, ya beat me to it.
Anyway, where did Tip get crutches? OK, that’s today’s obligatory band name: “Doctors on Crutches”.
Indigo C (indigo) says:
This has started to remind me of that episode of Juniper Lee, and all she had to go through to get a smoothie.
Oh it’s one of those quests. “Get me this and I’ll give you that. ” go get the item from the next NPC “I’ll trade you what the first npc wants if you get me what the 3rd npc has.” Etc, and it goes on and on. XD
It brings to mind the episode of M*A*S*H, “For Want of a Boot”. Based somewhat on the old saying “for want of a nail, the kingdom was lost”, it sets up a whole chain of these “get me this, and I’ll give you that” events… a chain that unravels in a matter of seconds at the end of the episode.
Anders Smith (mrsitouh) says:
Poor Tip – you can see the desire to hit bottom warring with the very real possibility that there isn’t one all over his face.
Derek Burrow (bard) says:
This is actually reminding me of that Freakazoid mini-cartoon, “Lord Bravery”. There was an episode that was spent trying to copyright his name by convincing other stores in a chain to change their names so the bake shop named “Lord Bravery’s” would change theirs. And each time…a similar problem.
Lord Smoked Meats and Fishes, indeed.
Jack Charos (jackofchaos) says: I was caught off guard the last three times, but cobras can’t be cute… can they?
Alycia Shedd (leeshajoy) says:
I was caught off guard the last three times, but cobras can’t be cute… can they?
Dude. It’s Shaenon. EVERYTHING she draws is cute.
Michael Brewer (wusemajor) says: Given that these are misfit toys, I’d worry more that the Cobras were action figures.
John Campbell (jcampbel) says: If I were in Tip’s heels, I think this is about the point where I’d hire the centipedes to exterminate the silverfish and call it a day.
NigaiAmai Yume (nigaiamai_yume) says: “There’s a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza…” ^-^
So It Begins (soitbegins) says: Did anyone here not see this coming?
Scott Davidson (mrson) says:
I *knew* that this was an RPG style side quest!
…At least it’s not a fetch quest. You start with: “You must bring us the holy sword of light”, and the next guy says: “to give you the sword of light, you must bring us the golden peach”… And a few dozen links down the chain you’re asking yourself why you’re carrying three elephant minis carved from coprolite and a broken ham radio.
So It Begins (soitbegins) says: Today on the Mad Scientist Wars:
The Tinkeroopas vs. L.U.I.G.I., the Rescue of Jane Narbon, and What SoItBegins Did Inside The Bottle.
Only on Comics By Shaenon II – comicsbyshaenon dot free-forums dot org !! Visit it today!!
Jane Narbon (lady_madsci) says: … (blink) (blink)
First silverfish, then centipedes, then misfit toys, now cobras. What’s next, goats?!
Owl Who says South (owlsayssouth) says:
First silverfish, then centipedes, then misfit toys, now cobras. What’s next, goats?!
Spider goats.
Ed Gedeon (eddurd) says:
Dammit Martin, ya beat me to it.
Anyway, where did Tip get crutches? OK, that’s today’s obligatory band name: “Doctors on Crutches”.
Indigo C (indigo) says:
This has started to remind me of that episode of Juniper Lee, and all she had to go through to get a smoothie.
It’s just one thing after another, isn’t it?
I really like how realistic this is for a non-realistic scenario XD
Oh it’s one of those quests. “Get me this and I’ll give you that. ” go get the item from the next NPC “I’ll trade you what the first npc wants if you get me what the 3rd npc has.” Etc, and it goes on and on. XD
It brings to mind the episode of M*A*S*H, “For Want of a Boot”. Based somewhat on the old saying “for want of a nail, the kingdom was lost”, it sets up a whole chain of these “get me this, and I’ll give you that” events… a chain that unravels in a matter of seconds at the end of the episode.