Okay I legit could not tell they were fighting 3 or 4 strips ago. I thought they were doing the Scott Pilgrim VS Nega-Scott thing and sitting around talking about Battleship.
Panel 1: Pre-fight trash talk.
Panel 2: Unity and Trinity both attempt the famed “Look it’s [something your enemy hates or fears]!” and then BAM! Leg sweep! manoeuvre.
Panel 3: Unity and Trinity both fall for the aforementioned manoeuvre, and therefore neither of them actually does the leg sweep.
Panel 4. This leaves both combatants somewhat nonplussed.
They don’t really start fighting until the next strip.
And yet, I thought it was the other girl who was losing her sutures! @_@
“The dirty cheaters _bolted_ her neck on!”
In case anyone is wondering how Unity’s torso and legs are knowing where to run, remember that she has a collarbone eye. Because of course she does.
Interesting star effect in the background.
This may well be my favourite strip of the entire comic!
Oh, damn, now I remember why the whole “mind-connecting to the helicopter” made sense to me so easily
U.N.I.T.Y. can still fight. She’ll gnaw off his kneecaps! She just needs a couple more rounds.
Heads up!
“Nick! Go long! We’ll try a Hail Mary!”
Wow. From trying to kill her on sight to letting her be your head-toter. Unity’s relationship with Dr. Lee has improved so much.
“Head-toter”? Sounds like something Nick would say…
It is, in fact, something Nick did say.
Okay I legit could not tell they were fighting 3 or 4 strips ago. I thought they were doing the Scott Pilgrim VS Nega-Scott thing and sitting around talking about Battleship.
The way to read that strip is:
Panel 1: Pre-fight trash talk.
Panel 2: Unity and Trinity both attempt the famed “Look it’s [something your enemy hates or fears]!” and then BAM! Leg sweep! manoeuvre.
Panel 3: Unity and Trinity both fall for the aforementioned manoeuvre, and therefore neither of them actually does the leg sweep.
Panel 4. This leaves both combatants somewhat nonplussed.
They don’t really start fighting until the next strip.
Football end run?
“‘Tis but a scratch!”
Phrases only Unity would say: “superficial decapitation”
Unity is making headway in the fight.
She’s headed in the right direction.
And here I thought she’d headed off in the wrong direction.
Grr. Login distracted from actual intended comment: headed off on a tangent. Sigh.