Yes, but they were sorted by decreasing LENGTH, and now it’s by increasing HEIGHT.
Let me tell you about the day she switched from tips-aligned to eraser-end-aligned …
Dogs actually do have color vision, to a certain extent. They just have dichromatic vision (i.e. they only have two cones, instead of three, as humans do.) This allows them to see some colors – they just don’t quite have the range of color vision that we do. I assume Unity’s color vision, or lack thereof, may vary according to whose eyes she’s wearing at the moment.
Usage can disrupt this a surprising amount. You’d think you could just re-order them according to wear, but what happens if you snap off 5m of lead during the Sharpening Ritual? It’s utter bedlam!
Tip-Chris moving straight up the ladder. A liaison job on a platter. Sweetheart is depressed, ’cause she’s worked out so less. Arranging her pencils—no matter.
By height is one way. Guess colour vision would help sorting by wavelength. Wavelength is better than trying to just “group by colour”, there can be disagreements about when a colour has faded to the next slot on the wheel, and what about “within” a colour?
Funny, he doesn’t look it.
Hey, that pencil sorting can be *important*. Never know what sort of Chekov’s Gun you might have in properly sorted pencils! ^_~
Oh come on! Her pencils were already sorted!
Yes, but *someone* used one, and put it back in the wrong place.
Yes, but they were sorted by decreasing LENGTH, and now it’s by increasing HEIGHT.
Let me tell you about the day she switched from tips-aligned to eraser-end-aligned …
I thought that was Unity’s job. She has the thumbs.
And she can see in colour.
Dogs actually do have color vision, to a certain extent. They just have dichromatic vision (i.e. they only have two cones, instead of three, as humans do.) This allows them to see some colors – they just don’t quite have the range of color vision that we do. I assume Unity’s color vision, or lack thereof, may vary according to whose eyes she’s wearing at the moment.
Usage can disrupt this a surprising amount. You’d think you could just re-order them according to wear, but what happens if you snap off 5m of lead during the Sharpening Ritual? It’s utter bedlam!
Sorting pencils is likely quite arduous for someone w/o opposable thumbs
See, I would have named him Friar Tuck
Loved that film.
If there’s only one of him, shouldn’t he be Panino?
Hey, Panini, don’t you be a meanie.
Well, if I had to call something Panini, it might as well be a pet dinosaur.
Great name! If I ever get a dinosaur I’ll name him that! (Maybe I’ll make one…Wait, they’re basically birds? I think I already have made a couple…)
I love my egg laying velociraptors.
It’s the flying wasp-sized ones that lay their eggs under your skin you have to watch out for!
Tip-Chris moving straight up the ladder. A liaison job on a platter. Sweetheart is depressed, ’cause she’s worked out so less. Arranging her pencils—no matter.
By height is one way. Guess colour vision would help sorting by wavelength. Wavelength is better than trying to just “group by colour”, there can be disagreements about when a colour has faded to the next slot on the wheel, and what about “within” a colour?
“Rawr” means “I love you” in dinosaur
And other things as well. It’s kind of like “ook” in orangutan.
“instead of three, as humans do”? There is at least one human with a functioning fourth.