That, my friend, is a thing of beauty. And “Mission status: tiny metal man beating head against concrete while singing ‘Jerusalem'” may be the funniest line in all of Skin Horse.
Emmerson, Lake & Palmer was my introduction to Jerusalem and thus my background music in my head while reading this.
Fun Fact: at Graham Chapman’s funeral, everyone sang Jerusalem in mangled Chinglish, reversing the Rs and Ls. My wife is planning something similar for my kick-off, whenever that is.
This was the most brilliant song parody ever. It’s even better if you imagine a (TONGGG!!!) at the end of each line! I’m hoping for a “City of New Orleans”/vanishing mall one, soon…
If there is still an open business serving coffee, Sweetheart can at least get a rampage done, so there is still hope…
Exceptionally good filk, Eddurd. The blending of “Jerusalem” and “High Hopes” puts this one a step above and beyond, although I don’t think the “Divine Countenance” originally meant Tigerlily’s face…This song had so many different levels of twisted humor that I was truly stunned.
The only thing that bothers me about today’s strip is that I’m wondering why Mustachio is suddenly so delusional. I greatly fear that we’re all missing a plot point.
This is where theory meets ability and gets ground under. The greatest tactical plans cannot succeed without the ability to carry them out due to, oh say, only being two feet tall and your clockwork limbs don’t have the power to move you with any sort of force.
Kudos to Mustachio for trying anyway. Give it the old college try, what?
Read about it often in old British novels, but my first auditory experience with Jerusalem was a heavy metal version by Bruce Dickinson. Which I think would only be aided and abetted if there were a video of actual metal heads with tiny legs attacking civilization set to that version…
Well, now I have no choice …
(TUNE: “Jerusalem”, William Blake & Sir Hubert Parry)
And did this head, in modern times,
Beat upon concrete pillars grey …
And was the dread Thinkonium
Bringing, to all his team, dismay!
And did Miss Tigerlily Jones
Construct these legs of nimble speed?
More agile than a three-toed sloth,
And stronger than a centipede!
I shall move plants of rubber tree;
I shall butt kilowatt-ed dams;
I shall tune in the BBC
To hear my radio programmes!
No force can stop my primal rage,
This mall shall tumble to the ground …
I will not cease in my rampage,
Unless my springs become unwound.
*wild applause*
That, my friend, is a thing of beauty. And “Mission status: tiny metal man beating head against concrete while singing ‘Jerusalem'” may be the funniest line in all of Skin Horse.
I was thinking that until I remembered “No! I’ll just build my own, *sensible* brain vending machine!”
Emmerson, Lake & Palmer was my introduction to Jerusalem and thus my background music in my head while reading this.
Fun Fact: at Graham Chapman’s funeral, everyone sang Jerusalem in mangled Chinglish, reversing the Rs and Ls. My wife is planning something similar for my kick-off, whenever that is.
My comments yesterday have disappeared. Oh, well.
Once again, Sir Eddurd, you show us how it is done. We are not worthy.
Bravissimo. I doff my steam-powered top hat to you for that one, guv!
Excellent as usual Eddurd!
NOT so excellent, Mustachio. I am a bit disappointed in you, and in Tigerlily as well. Comical ineffectuality in rampaging is Sweetheart’s schtick.
Tigerlily just forgot to add a device to open Mustachio’s hat. Once he manages to open his hat, goodbye building.
Do either of them have built-in video transmitters, or have Tip and Unity just tapped into the mall security cameras?
Sweetheart is in the Former!(Violet|Nick|Bubbles)drone body. I would imagine it has a video feed.
It appears Eddurd thinks Mustachio has “high hopes”…
This was the most brilliant song parody ever. It’s even better if you imagine a (TONGGG!!!) at the end of each line! I’m hoping for a “City of New Orleans”/vanishing mall one, soon…
If there is still an open business serving coffee, Sweetheart can at least get a rampage done, so there is still hope…
Jerusalem? Seems like Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho might have been more appropriate.
Don’t discourage him, he’s having a religious experience…
Exceptionally good filk, Eddurd. The blending of “Jerusalem” and “High Hopes” puts this one a step above and beyond, although I don’t think the “Divine Countenance” originally meant Tigerlily’s face…This song had so many different levels of twisted humor that I was truly stunned.
The only thing that bothers me about today’s strip is that I’m wondering why Mustachio is suddenly so delusional. I greatly fear that we’re all missing a plot point.
I’m just thinking of Dan Bern’s Jerusalem instead. It changes things a bit.
This is where theory meets ability and gets ground under. The greatest tactical plans cannot succeed without the ability to carry them out due to, oh say, only being two feet tall and your clockwork limbs don’t have the power to move you with any sort of force.
Kudos to Mustachio for trying anyway. Give it the old college try, what?
Read about it often in old British novels, but my first auditory experience with Jerusalem was a heavy metal version by Bruce Dickinson. Which I think would only be aided and abetted if there were a video of actual metal heads with tiny legs attacking civilization set to that version…