Aaron Shades (prof_tinker) says:
‘an abomination, but a very convenient one’
. . . .. well, I think that just about sums everything up nicely, don’t you?
The MSW:
Come now, patience is a virtue.
*fiddles with time machine* One that I’m short on.
Michael Taub (otakuloki) says:
It might help those of you concerned about the religious war aspect of this conflict to remember that centipedes are universally predatory.
That is, rather than having religious reasons for waging war on the centipedes the silverfish may simply have ‘discovered’ religious reasons to explain why the centipedes predate upon them. Given that they are willing to compromise with the abominable colossus, I have some hope, still.
(Of course, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had my hopes dashed when looking for tolerant behavior.)
Aaron Shades (prof_tinker) says:
‘an abomination, but a very convenient one’
. . . .. well, I think that just about sums everything up nicely, don’t you?
The MSW:
Come now, patience is a virtue.
*fiddles with time machine* One that I’m short on.
Michael Taub (otakuloki) says:
It might help those of you concerned about the religious war aspect of this conflict to remember that centipedes are universally predatory.
That is, rather than having religious reasons for waging war on the centipedes the silverfish may simply have ‘discovered’ religious reasons to explain why the centipedes predate upon them. Given that they are willing to compromise with the abominable colossus, I have some hope, still.
(Of course, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had my hopes dashed when looking for tolerant behavior.)
This comic is amazing XD