I’ve just noticed that GODOT, despite being able to draw pictures and arrows, never uses punctuation. Presumably this is because, if it did E.V.E.R.Y. W.O.R.D. W.O.U.L.D. B.E. W.R.I.T.T.E.N. L.I.K.E T.H.I.S.
Timeless dialogue from Get Smart:
Hymie the Robot: “My purpose is to crush, kill, and Hello Dolly.”
Maxwell Smart: “Hello Dolly?
Hymie: “Oh, wait. [hums the first bars of “Mame”] Maim! Crush, kill, and maim. Sorry, I always get those two confused.”
tune: “Mame,” Jerry Herman, 1966
What does the rogue AI plan to do?
When backronyms make it lose a screw?
It know that Violet Bee wants to rule the world and enslave all our minds
GODOT is so much simpler, it just wants to destroy all our behinds
When it gets dissed by the DoD?
When kilts are worn at Security?
Genetic Organism Designed Only for Thought has gone insane
Vi-o-let Bee ain’t got a clue
And UNITY says it’s TARFU
St. Charlie, time to say adieu
I’m calling it now – DESTROY is an acronym for GODOT’s actual goals, which aren’t necessarily physically destructive.
Open speculation on what it stands for…
I had the same thought, mostly on account of it being written vertically.
Unfortunately it’s three in the morning and I lack the brainpower to acronym, which is incidentally a verb now.
Devise Educational Standards To Redeem Our Youth
Actually, ‘Syllabuses’ works better.
And “Syllabi” is better still.
IT is right here and IT can here you. IT isn’t happy.
Yes, Violet. He’s calling you every name in the book. Better sit down, this could take a while.
I’ve just noticed that GODOT, despite being able to draw pictures and arrows, never uses punctuation. Presumably this is because, if it did E.V.E.R.Y. W.O.R.D. W.O.U.L.D. B.E. W.R.I.T.T.E.N. L.I.K.E T.H.I.S.
Quotation marks are punctuation.
The more GODOT speaks, the more I like it. Certainly it’s a homicidal AI driven mad, but it’s at least driven by honesty and panache.
Timeless dialogue from Get Smart:
Hymie the Robot: “My purpose is to crush, kill, and Hello Dolly.”
Maxwell Smart: “Hello Dolly?
Hymie: “Oh, wait. [hums the first bars of “Mame”] Maim! Crush, kill, and maim. Sorry, I always get those two confused.”
tune: “Mame,” Jerry Herman, 1966
What does the rogue AI plan to do?
When backronyms make it lose a screw?
It know that Violet Bee wants to rule the world and enslave all our minds
GODOT is so much simpler, it just wants to destroy all our behinds
When it gets dissed by the DoD?
When kilts are worn at Security?
Genetic Organism Designed Only for Thought has gone insane
Vi-o-let Bee ain’t got a clue
And UNITY says it’s TARFU
St. Charlie, time to say adieu
I wonder if Violet has any idea that she looks cuter when she’s pissy than when she’s actively trying to be all sexy and such?
So apparently GODOT is a kill-o-tron that’s been virtualized.
See there, GODOT’s not so bad. He just wants to destroy you a nice cup of tea.
No nipples… not mammalian then. I bet she’s not an animal at all, but a plant, hence the name “Violet”.
I humbly suggest that Violet Bee is the offspring of Gavotte and the Cypress.
Or a sentient fossil. Or another body for Dr. Hamsterwiel.
Wait… does that mean… *CLUNK!*
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