Oh, Nera, I missed you! And Jonah too…
I was still catching up with the archives when they had their previous storyline, and it’s just as well, because if I’d had to wait to find out what happened to them it would have been just TOO stressful.
Since it was an answer to my comment, I assumed it was facetious. If I didn’t, I’d have linked to the exact same week, but probably starting from Thursday’s strip.
Honestly, I’ve been expecting Zeta to show up sooner rather than later than this. A gonzo journalist with a talent for reporting on mad science would be perfect for making interviews with certain government agencies. Skin Horse isn’t the top of the list, but they’re the ones most likely to let things slip.
Unless she’s interviewing Gavotte at full mental capacity, but that goes without saying.
If this comes as a surprise to you, you clearly don’t read TVTropes. Clark/Lex takes up almost as much space in the discussion of Foe Yay as the Doctor/the Master; a ship where one of the canon writers has said their relationship only makes sense as “bitter exes”.
Not that Foe Yay ever makes any sense to me in any event. I’ve heard there is Discworld Susan/Teatime fic and I was just NOOOO!!
I didn’t say it came to a surprise to me. I just said “Ew.” After all that “K / S” stuff, fanfic where anybody hooks up with anybody isn’t really a shocker anymore.
There’s Jonah … and there’s Nera!
For truth, they’re in pursuit!
Let them make … one thing clearer,
They want to be like Foot!
That robot part, so cu-u-u-u-ute …
They want to be like Foot!
She’s driven … to distraction!
They’re readerships minute!
Poor Nera … wants some action!
She wants to be like Foot!
From Nome to Nunavu-u-u-u-ut …
She wants to be like Foot!
They’ll find the stories Jonah senses
In these towns …
’Cause they can u-til-ize past tenses,
And pronouns!
And pronouns!
And pronouns!
Enlightening … ev’ry reader,
With hidden facts astute!
Her slash fic’s … their loss leader,
So they can be like Foot!
Their romance taking roo-oo-oo-oo-oot,
Like Zeta did with Foot!
They want to be like Foo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oot!
You know, Jeff probably threw in “Foot” as a funny aside. Now everyone’s going “Foooooot!” and Jeff’s probably thinking “Oh crap, what have I done?” But yeah, I’d love to see Zeta and Foot again, too.
I’m not betting that Jeff didn’t know exactly what kind of reaction that’d get. I mean, he was a Narbonic fan, too.
My own writing experience has taught me that it’s well worth throwing little details like that out there. If you don’t find a use for them later, well, it was an amusing throwaway. A nod and tip of the hat to the Narbonic fandom, in this case. If you do find a use for them, it makes you look like a brilliant plotting genius when it all comes together in the end, when really you might be as surprised by how neatly some things fit in as your readers. And the more stuff you throw out there, the more likely that you’ll be able to use some of it…
And, yeah, I’ve been saying all along – or at least since Artie confirmed that this is in fact the Narboniverse – that we could use some Zeta up in here. What’s a shadow government conspiracy without intrepid shadow journalists who got too close to the truth?
I used to have recurring nightmares about a pink fluffy sock that would kill my friends and family. You have no idea how much that third panel messed with me.
Mind you, in the Narboniverse, continued fictionality is this sort of thing that SHOULD be confirmed every once in a while. They’re doing the inglorious but necessary groundwork of shadow-journalism.
Oh, Nera, I missed you! And Jonah too…
I was still catching up with the archives when they had their previous storyline, and it’s just as well, because if I’d had to wait to find out what happened to them it would have been just TOO stressful.
Nice to know Foot is still walking – hopping? – the beat.
i LOVE foot, so tickled to hear he’s doing his thang with a certain experimental friend 🙂
EVERYONE loves Foot. Anyone who ever says otherwise doesn’t know Foot and/or is lying.
Foot?! I hate foot! …who is Foot?
Foot is… Foot. Here’s one of his appearances in Narbonic. http://www.webcomicsnation.com/shaenongarrity/narbonic/series.php?view=archive&chapter=12587
Since it was an answer to my comment, I assumed it was facetious. If I didn’t, I’d have linked to the exact same week, but probably starting from Thursday’s strip.
Foot! Is Zeta still with him?
probably. why break up a great team?
I assume she needs to be there to do the typing—giant robot feet are not known for being terribly highly endowed in the finger department.
Honestly, I’ve been expecting Zeta to show up sooner rather than later than this. A gonzo journalist with a talent for reporting on mad science would be perfect for making interviews with certain government agencies. Skin Horse isn’t the top of the list, but they’re the ones most likely to let things slip.
Unless she’s interviewing Gavotte at full mental capacity, but that goes without saying.
Does the celery, in fact, stalk at midnight?
My question exactly!
Well played, sir and/or madam.
If that’s a Bunnicula reference, you’ve made my day!
Clark / Lex? Ew.
Lex and Lana on the other hand might have some interesting possibilities! ^_^
I don’t think that’s how it’s supposed to work….
(Oliver/Lionel FTW)
That was literally a thing in the 1996 animated series.
It takes all kinds. Chloe/Lana strikes me as more aesthetic, but then I am a heterosexual male *shrug*
I could actually see those two bonding over being annoyed with Clark. ;-D
If this comes as a surprise to you, you clearly don’t read TVTropes. Clark/Lex takes up almost as much space in the discussion of Foe Yay as the Doctor/the Master; a ship where one of the canon writers has said their relationship only makes sense as “bitter exes”.
Not that Foe Yay ever makes any sense to me in any event. I’ve heard there is Discworld Susan/Teatime fic and I was just NOOOO!!
I didn’t say it came to a surprise to me. I just said “Ew.” After all that “K / S” stuff, fanfic where anybody hooks up with anybody isn’t really a shocker anymore.
For crack M/M pairings, the one I always think of is Batman/Joker. As a one-sided pairing, it almost makes sense.
Well in the first few Seasons it less Foe Yay and more just Ho Yay.
I’m with Eric.
(TUNE: “I Want To Hold Your Hand”, The Beatles)
There’s Jonah … and there’s Nera!
For truth, they’re in pursuit!
Let them make … one thing clearer,
They want to be like Foot!
That robot part, so cu-u-u-u-ute …
They want to be like Foot!
She’s driven … to distraction!
They’re readerships minute!
Poor Nera … wants some action!
She wants to be like Foot!
From Nome to Nunavu-u-u-u-ut …
She wants to be like Foot!
They’ll find the stories Jonah senses
In these towns …
’Cause they can u-til-ize past tenses,
And pronouns!
And pronouns!
And pronouns!
Enlightening … ev’ry reader,
With hidden facts astute!
Her slash fic’s … their loss leader,
So they can be like Foot!
Their romance taking roo-oo-oo-oo-oot,
Like Zeta did with Foot!
They want to be like Foo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oot!
Bravo, Ed, and don’t we all want to be like Foot?
You know, Jeff probably threw in “Foot” as a funny aside. Now everyone’s going “Foooooot!” and Jeff’s probably thinking “Oh crap, what have I done?” But yeah, I’d love to see Zeta and Foot again, too.
I’m not betting that Jeff didn’t know exactly what kind of reaction that’d get. I mean, he was a Narbonic fan, too.
My own writing experience has taught me that it’s well worth throwing little details like that out there. If you don’t find a use for them later, well, it was an amusing throwaway. A nod and tip of the hat to the Narbonic fandom, in this case. If you do find a use for them, it makes you look like a brilliant plotting genius when it all comes together in the end, when really you might be as surprised by how neatly some things fit in as your readers. And the more stuff you throw out there, the more likely that you’ll be able to use some of it…
And, yeah, I’ve been saying all along – or at least since Artie confirmed that this is in fact the Narboniverse – that we could use some Zeta up in here. What’s a shadow government conspiracy without intrepid shadow journalists who got too close to the truth?
I used to have recurring nightmares about a pink fluffy sock that would kill my friends and family. You have no idea how much that third panel messed with me.
I find myself wondering if the Celery Stalkers are, in fact, sapient celery. Unless shown otherwise in the comic I shall assume they are.
Also: I almost SQUEEED at the mention of Foot.
Meanwhile, I’m all excited about the mention of Hodags. Even if it is just to confirm that they’re fictional 🙂
That they’re *still* fictional. 🙂
Mind you, in the Narboniverse, continued fictionality is this sort of thing that SHOULD be confirmed every once in a while. They’re doing the inglorious but necessary groundwork of shadow-journalism.
I’m so glad to see I wasn’t the only one whose first reaction to this strip was “Foot!”
For a blink, I thought that last panel was Shaenon and Jeff brainstorming.