O: . . . Yeah that came to my mind when you brought it up, I wonder if they’ll make a joke about it next update, I mean it’s no big deal, they talk about Nick and Ginny doing it.
Shaenon and Jeff will create something even more embarrassing to have drawn on Baron Mysticorn, and I’d wager very few of the readers will guess ahead of time.
Yeah she’s clearly not using the term snuggle correctly.
Shave the goatee!! Shave the goatee!!!
The question that comes to my mind is: where exactly does he plug it in?
O: . . . Yeah that came to my mind when you brought it up, I wonder if they’ll make a joke about it next update, I mean it’s no big deal, they talk about Nick and Ginny doing it.
Yes, it’s wrong to snuggle someone in a coma, but it’s totally OK to make them believe you did something to them while they were in the coma.
I wouldn’t do it, just to avoid feeding that ego.
Yeah, Baron M., you might as well face it, you’re addicted to love.
Yes, Virginia, it would be wrong. Also foolish. Just because he’s unresponsive doesn’t mean he’s not somewhat aware.
But writing on his tummy with a sharpie marker “Virginia wuz here” would be totally okay.
Nick wouldn’t like it, especially when he’s got something important to ask you, Dr. Lee.
Yeah, I suspect Nick may see it as cheating or pretty close to.
It would be an ideal time to draw a moustache on his upper lip. Because that would offend his Quaker sensibilities.
Shaenon and Jeff will create something even more embarrassing to have drawn on Baron Mysticorn, and I’d wager very few of the readers will guess ahead of time.
Eh, it’s not like he wouldn’t have done the same in their place.
wait, how is the server being powered?
Knowing Whimsy, whatever it is it’s probably radioactive.