I’m waiting for the day when Dr. Lee undergoes a Mad Scientist Apotheosis like Dave did in Narbonic. We all know it’s coming, and I’m pretty sure she’s not taking the Cure.
No, no… she wasn’t wrestling with a Mad scientist. She was wrestling with Mad science itself.
Y’know, as in her weather machine was literally, physically fighting her to try to prevent her from building it. It causes so many delays when you have to start yelling “It’s alive!” before you’ve even finished creating the monster.
I like that his mannerisms clearly aren’t Remy’s even up close. Shaenon has always been good at paying attention to make sure her characters’ nonverbal cues are distinctive enough to tell who’s who even when they’re in a different body.
It’s so cute how she thinks she’s still sane.
Huh, I guess it its cute
I’m starting to get worried that her blindness to her own madness is setting her up for an eventually catastrophic epiphany like Dave’s.
Yeah, when she snaps, it’ll sound like a sonic boom.
It won’t be that bad; her glasses are already clear.
Well, yeah… except for the sticky little detail that the “opaque/clear glasses” thing was only for Dave.
As Shaenon put it, “And no, no other characters’ glasses follow this rule. Dave is the only one with meaningful glasses.”
Aw, we didn’t hear how they’re responsible for the limb theft. Also, when did people blame them for stealing limbs?
I don’t think Sweetheart did either. She just ran to see if it was Dr. Lee
Wrestling with mad science is so last century. Kids today prefer playing Twister with mad science.
Ooh! I so hope that’s a cup of Dr. Lee’s high test!
No doubt Papa Legba would appreciate that, too. Remy, maybe not so much.
At last, Papa Legba has received his coffee! Hilariously, I think Dr. Lee just made a friend that she will probably steadfastly refuse to believe in.
That doesn’t mean he will refuse to believe in her, or choose to be off-put by said lack of belief.
I’m waiting for the day when Dr. Lee undergoes a Mad Scientist Apotheosis like Dave did in Narbonic. We all know it’s coming, and I’m pretty sure she’s not taking the Cure.
Which mad scientist did she wrestle with? Tigerlily? Helen? Madblood? Dave?
No, no… she wasn’t wrestling with a Mad scientist. She was wrestling with Mad science itself.
Y’know, as in her weather machine was literally, physically fighting her to try to prevent her from building it. It causes so many delays when you have to start yelling “It’s alive!” before you’ve even finished creating the monster.
Perhaps it’s the weather machine that’s sending dream messages and stealing toes.
I like that his mannerisms clearly aren’t Remy’s even up close. Shaenon has always been good at paying attention to make sure her characters’ nonverbal cues are distinctive enough to tell who’s who even when they’re in a different body.
It’s the grin.
It’s also the way he holds his hands and his posture.
Well, the pipe, hat, and cane are a dead giveaway, too. None of those are in character for Remy-as-Remy.
Yeah, but even without them you’d be able to tell this wasn’t Remy.
Next, Dr. Lee needs to investigate that feather.
Its ability to seemingly disappear entirely has potential.
Oh Virginia. There is an important distinction between “not a Walton” and “sane”.
Well shoot, now I’m just gonna see and mentally hear him as The Woodsman from Twin Peaks “Got a light? Got a light? Got a light?”
Lwa Ex Machina time!