If you have a reputation for subtlety, then you’re not subtle enough. If you’re a true master of subtlety, no one will notice you doing anything, and you’ll get a reputation for being lucky.
Pffft! Confirmation of the see!singly obvious is always useful. Particularly if they revealed *where* in the building it is so that there need not be time wasted going from room to room looking for it.
Are you surprised? The set up the mech-annex waaaaay back when they started collecting the nuclear devices. Gavotte straight up said that that was the goal.
In the books, the Wizard returns and learns actual magic, becoming an important Friend to Oz. I doubt there will be a redemption arc for Mr. Green: perhaps he gets accidentally carried off in the Mother Ship to the bee planet? (They can find a spot in the local zoo for him: terrestrial evil mastermind, male – do not feed or provide with advanced technology .)
They traced it down to a source. It’s back to DC, but of course! It’s the Maragda Building—what a shocker so thrilling. A VR world search tour-de-force.
Okay, I joked about crypto yesterday, but I’m not surprised that Lovelace is the one to bring it up. Lupin seemed like the kind of nerd that would have gotten into crypto (and maybe made his own coin) and she spends more time on the internet, dealing with people and politics in the physical world, than most of the AI in Aimee’s server seem to. So she’d have a lot of reason to use a purely digital currency.
Also, as usual in Skin Horse, the progression of her facial expressions is fantastic and really sells the bit
“We’re gonna need to infiltrate Anasigma HQ! How can we possibly hope to do that?”
Jonah: “… I have been preparing for this day for a thousand lifetimes. (Somebody get me a wrench.)”
…Did they really not think to look in such an obvious place? Though I must admit, I would probably have guessed somewhere more central first. Right on the East Coast means that it’s so much further to California etc. than if the transmitter was in Nebraska or Kansas.
“It pays to be obvious, especially if you have a reputation for subtlety.”
I could never be known for subtlety. :p
If you have a reputation for subtlety, then you’re not subtle enough. If you’re a true master of subtlety, no one will notice you doing anything, and you’ll get a reputation for being lucky.
Repressive conservatism can only be so creative.
Phrases you’ll never hear in the bedroom: “So… was that as anti-climactic for you as it was for me?”
Pffft! Confirmation of the see!singly obvious is always useful. Particularly if they revealed *where* in the building it is so that there need not be time wasted going from room to room looking for it.
They may already know where it is not.
Holy heck, they set this joke up *eleven years ago*?
Are you surprised? The set up the mech-annex waaaaay back when they started collecting the nuclear devices. Gavotte straight up said that that was the goal.
Well, Tip, Unity, and Sweetheart *were* out of the office when it started.
Google translate says maragda is Catalan for emerald. Time to complete their yellow-brick roadtrip.
I hope they get to walk on Mr Green, myself.
Ah, like smaragdine!
It also came up (but I have no source) that it’s a slang term for marijuana, too.
everything is a slang term for marijuana. Seriously, I know some people who started making them up without vowels to lose the cops spying phone lines.
In the books, the Wizard returns and learns actual magic, becoming an important Friend to Oz. I doubt there will be a redemption arc for Mr. Green: perhaps he gets accidentally carried off in the Mother Ship to the bee planet? (They can find a spot in the local zoo for him: terrestrial evil mastermind, male – do not feed or provide with advanced technology .)
Then there will be that epic fight between Annex One and the Maragda Building!
You joke, but A-Sig does have a staff of leashed madboys and -girls, so responding the entire building is not out of the realm of possibility.
What joke? I figured they’d fight like the knock ’em sock ’em robots.
They traced it down to a source. It’s back to DC, but of course! It’s the Maragda Building—what a shocker so thrilling. A VR world search tour-de-force.
Okay, I joked about crypto yesterday, but I’m not surprised that Lovelace is the one to bring it up. Lupin seemed like the kind of nerd that would have gotten into crypto (and maybe made his own coin) and she spends more time on the internet, dealing with people and politics in the physical world, than most of the AI in Aimee’s server seem to. So she’d have a lot of reason to use a purely digital currency.
Also, as usual in Skin Horse, the progression of her facial expressions is fantastic and really sells the bit
Is Lovelace is her own cryptocurrency? Hmm…
To the emerald city we go!
I thought they just left Seattle.
The envelope, Please…
Lovelace, no, no mining the scam currency responsible for speeding climate collapse!
She’s an AI, what does she care if the climate collapses so long as her server can be maintained?
I thought it was cow burps that were doing that?
Every little “bit” helps.
Cow burps were maintaining her server? Did I read that right?
“We’re gonna need to infiltrate Anasigma HQ! How can we possibly hope to do that?”
Jonah: “… I have been preparing for this day for a thousand lifetimes. (Somebody get me a wrench.)”
Well, it’s actually super easy to infiltrate Anasigma. Jonah’s expertise are more along the lines of how to exfiltrate.
…Did they really not think to look in such an obvious place? Though I must admit, I would probably have guessed somewhere more central first. Right on the East Coast means that it’s so much further to California etc. than if the transmitter was in Nebraska or Kansas.