He didn’t say “most normal,” he said “sane.” There are men who wear three-piece bespoke suits and are only borderline sane. There are men who are as sane as they come and look great in a taffeta dress.
I think Tip’s only purpose is that the Cypress might actually listen to him. Other than that, I’m pretty sure they consider him expendable. And before long, they may consider him very expendable.
I agree with the latter, but I suspect that at the moment they mean Tip well. They seem like the sort of good alignment peeps Anasig scrounges up when the *whole team* is expendable. <_<
Mind you, how much this matters when you're the lone Mundane in a team of Sparks is a separate matter. @_@
It’s not easy wearing orange
Spending each day looking like a poor grunge
When I could be wearing retro plaid, or jade,
Or something much more colorful like that
Not that easy wearing orange
My crazy team mates think I’m just un peu étrange*
Because my fashion-forward sensibility
And my ego-centered personality
Don’t really fit in.
Green is the color for me
Green can be cool and swamp-friendly-like
And green can be an ice-breaker,
For Mama Swamp a nice-maker
Plus it highlights my eyes.
But if orange is all I have to wear
Then I have to ponder, really ponder
The possibility
Of my mortality
Being eaten by a bear.
“Sturdy boots” seems a sensible request for a Swamp-scramble; Scots tartans are a good outdoor fabric choice and jade accents could promote a sense of empathy and better communication by showing that an effort was made to coordinate with the Cypress’s color scheme. But I fear there may be more than a few snags in the Leggings of Reason before this foray concludes.
Perhaps this has already been pointed out, but c’mon Tip! Even if you’re not being presumptive about your own relative sanity, isn’t this still pretty much you’re general role with Skinhorse?
Unity’s also the voice of sanity when she’s hopped up on way too many brains, and she gets excessively blunt. It might not be nice, but she’s so smart at that point that you know she’s right.
“Most normal” being relative, of course…
He didn’t say “most normal,” he said “sane.” There are men who wear three-piece bespoke suits and are only borderline sane. There are men who are as sane as they come and look great in a taffeta dress.
So the Drone Tech is nuts, too? Is Tip there so the team can ignore him, or to do the opposite? Speculation encouraged.
I think Tip’s only purpose is that the Cypress might actually listen to him. Other than that, I’m pretty sure they consider him expendable. And before long, they may consider him very expendable.
I agree with the latter, but I suspect that at the moment they mean Tip well. They seem like the sort of good alignment peeps Anasig scrounges up when the *whole team* is expendable. <_<
Mind you, how much this matters when you're the lone Mundane in a team of Sparks is a separate matter. @_@
Well… Kind of good alignment. The sweater knitting one did invade Malta.
There is very little mundane about Tip.
… Aside from that prisoner outfit, which is so last century.
Orange is the new black.
With apologies to Kermit… and everyone else.
It’s not easy wearing orange
Spending each day looking like a poor grunge
When I could be wearing retro plaid, or jade,
Or something much more colorful like that
Not that easy wearing orange
My crazy team mates think I’m just un peu étrange*
Because my fashion-forward sensibility
And my ego-centered personality
Don’t really fit in.
Green is the color for me
Green can be cool and swamp-friendly-like
And green can be an ice-breaker,
For Mama Swamp a nice-maker
Plus it highlights my eyes.
But if orange is all I have to wear
Then I have to ponder, really ponder
The possibility
Of my mortality
Being eaten by a bear.
*Pardon my French.
Of course we’re nuts. We’re working with mad science here!
Wardrobe is Ira’s department.
Being Sane, Tip has a Good Sane Reason for what he requests; i.e., the Cypress has a well-developed sense of fashion.
Depends on your definition of “well-developed”.
I seem to recall that her sense of fashion was rather old-fashioned, so one could say that it was poorly-developed, since it hadn’t developed in ages.
“Sturdy boots” seems a sensible request for a Swamp-scramble; Scots tartans are a good outdoor fabric choice and jade accents could promote a sense of empathy and better communication by showing that an effort was made to coordinate with the Cypress’s color scheme. But I fear there may be more than a few snags in the Leggings of Reason before this foray concludes.
Proof, if any was necessary, that sanity is a relative term.
Just because one is not Mad doesn’t mean that one is sane. In the Narboniverse, there is a world of difference between Mad and crazy.
Theme song: Emma Wallace’s “We’re All Mad Here”…
Perhaps this has already been pointed out, but c’mon Tip! Even if you’re not being presumptive about your own relative sanity, isn’t this still pretty much you’re general role with Skinhorse?
He’s the voice of sanity in the field. Gavotte used to be the voice of sanity in the office, but Sweetheart’s been handling that lately.
Unity is the voice of sanity when the only rational thing to do is break somebody’s skull.
Unity’s also the voice of sanity when she’s hopped up on way too many brains, and she gets excessively blunt. It might not be nice, but she’s so smart at that point that you know she’s right.
…Are we sure Tip isn’t some sort of weird low-key mad psychologist/fashion expert?
No. No, we are not.