I do t think you can get a pay cut in the civil service unless your entire pay grade gets a cut. On the other hand, properly following pointless busywork sounds like exactly how you get bumped up another grade.
When you get older, then I can tell
What a “raise” might be!
You will see that there could be increasing pay,
Good for always, not just a day!
You could buy candy, sammiches too,
Superballs and stuff!
Don’t strain your brain, girl!
I will explain, girl,
When you’re old enough!
Seems before her supersedure, Miss Gavotte had sent to us
Told … us … what … to … do!
These are imperative,
Ere this day is through!
Let us not panic, no need to fear
Swarms confused and dim …
If we can accomplish all our tasks with haste,
Our reward is salary-based!
Nose to the grindstone, getting it done!
Show our boss we’re tough!
Gets explanation
When you’re old enough!
Not all of them — just Nick. But that’s to get it passed Gavotte’s superiors.
That said, the fact that she was able to do that means the rest of them are probably similarly spread out.
Odd indeed. I have a feeling that she started the assignments before the, er, “process” with a specific endgame in mind. My best guess, and Dear Authors please excuse my guessing, that each of the team got a random, incomprehensible task that will somehow dovetail very neatly at the end.
I like how M’s speech balloons are very, very, very light gray.
I think it’s supposed to be silver, but over the decades it’s acquired a bit of tarnish.
No, Sweetheart, pay cuts if you don’t comply.
My thoughts exactly. That knife cuts both ways, Sweetheart.
And if you think about it, isn’t a pay cut that you’ve avoided something like a sort of raise?
Only in the same way that extortion rackets offer “protection”.
I do t think you can get a pay cut in the civil service unless your entire pay grade gets a cut. On the other hand, properly following pointless busywork sounds like exactly how you get bumped up another grade.
I suppose Gavotte uses Dragon software for everything related to writing. Would hate to see 88 bees typing away like they were monkeys.
I’m imagining a constant stream of bees going THUNK THUNK THUNK against a keyboard….
d’aww. Unity is so cute when she does that
Well, this chapter title is certainly ominous.
Wilkin’s cup doesn’t go with the outfit
Of course, with a raise, that could be remedied.
(TUNE: “When I’m Sixty-Four”, The Beatles)
When you get older, then I can tell
What a “raise” might be!
You will see that there could be increasing pay,
Good for always, not just a day!
You could buy candy, sammiches too,
Superballs and stuff!
Don’t strain your brain, girl!
I will explain, girl,
When you’re old enough!
Seems before her supersedure, Miss Gavotte had sent to us
Told … us … what … to … do!
These are imperative,
Ere this day is through!
Let us not panic, no need to fear
Swarms confused and dim …
If we can accomplish all our tasks with haste,
Our reward is salary-based!
Nose to the grindstone, getting it done!
Show our boss we’re tough!
Gets explanation
When you’re old enough!
Hold it! A “Raise” can buy sammiches? Maybe even Brain Sammiches? We could go down to Zombieway and get’em toasted!
Thought they were covered by one of the government unions…
Black Ops social services, remember. They’re off the books and listed on the budgets under something innocuous sounding.
If they told the union they existed, they’d have to kill them.
IIRC, they’re listed as “furniture”.
Not all of them — just Nick. But that’s to get it passed Gavotte’s superiors.
That said, the fact that she was able to do that means the rest of them are probably similarly spread out.
Nick, and occasionally Unity when she does desk work.
Okay so this is like 6 days behind, but did anyone else see that Nick’s transition counselor was freaking ARTIE?!
Like, DUDE! What the HECK!?
Aw, damn…poor Nick…
I did not. I can’t believe I forgot about his blog! And again I say, Poor Nick.
Depending on how quickly the making urge came into play, the last few assignments could be somewhat … “odd”.
Odd indeed. I have a feeling that she started the assignments before the, er, “process” with a specific endgame in mind. My best guess, and Dear Authors please excuse my guessing, that each of the team got a random, incomprehensible task that will somehow dovetail very neatly at the end.
In short, this is going to be goooooooood.
Nicely done, Eddurd!