“Are we forgetting the one who knocked himself out by spinning his sling *horizontally*?”
It’s a classic trope to have a team of crack commandos or whatever, and then the one “odd man out” who is a goofball and a screwup, but who they keep around anyway.
Presume that the A-Sig team arrived in a vehicle, perhaps a van, equipped to wrangle bi-morphic creatures, and the ability to level counties, if the situation calls for it.
It makes little sense to them (or rather, to Alfa). But since Cinnamon was at the shelter at the same time as Sweetheart, it isn’t much of a stretch to think that Artie – in human form – adopted her at some point. He would have needed a carrier to take her home in.
Would he, though? She’s not a normal cat. She could walk alongside him, or ride on his shoulder. That would be quite fitting actually, given that that was his preferred form of locomotion for most of Narbonic.
I think Cinnamon doesn’t really care much about the cat carrier, the lock would be kitten’s play to defeat, and I have cats that actually sleep in an open one we have because of the nice comfy liner.
Finally caught up with the comic! I understand why several nonhuman sapients in ths comic so far are animals. But why are they all so adorable? Is that part of their defense strategy? I think Cinnamon could recite Robert Frost poems at me and I’d still be trying to give her tuna and pats.
Is that a family portrait of Helen, Dave, Mell, and Artie on the wall?
It sure looks like one.
I know what I want a Sunday art of!
…an ewok eating a blue popsicle?
A Wampa eating a blue Ewok… AND the above family portrait…
Ewoks were proto-Jarjars, there to prepare us for the ordeal to come…
Well, but the Ewoks are competent.
an argument for Ewoks being hyper-competent
Are we forgetting the one who knocked himself out by spinning his sling *horizontally*?
“Are we forgetting the one who knocked himself out by spinning his sling *horizontally*?”
It’s a classic trope to have a team of crack commandos or whatever, and then the one “odd man out” who is a goofball and a screwup, but who they keep around anyway.
Okay, this is bugging me. Where the HECK did they get the cat carrier?
*In Don Adams like voice*
Would you believe that it was kept folded in a spytech pencil?
A spytech pencil, you say? I don’t know if such a thing is in the comic, but…
*checks archives*
Ohh, yes! I remember now. Missed it by -that- much!
In this universe? Yes, yes I would.
Presume that the A-Sig team arrived in a vehicle, perhaps a van, equipped to wrangle bi-morphic creatures, and the ability to level counties, if the situation calls for it.
Seeing as how Echo Bravo is unfamiliar enough with it to know how handles work, perhaps the cat carrier was already in the house..
I get the impression that Echo Bravo finds a lot of simple things challenging.
Y’know, that would also explain how fancy the carrier is. A colored top!! That is a fashion carrier, for sure.
…in Artie’s house? They just established it makes little sense for him to have a cat.
Since when has Artie been constrained by that? He’s far too intelligent and logical to have common sense.
Either that, or he’d already projected futures in which he’d be needing Cinnamon’s help and would need a carrier to transport them.
The carrier actually looks a lot like our cat carrier, which is nearly that shade of turquoise blue.
It makes little sense to them (or rather, to Alfa). But since Cinnamon was at the shelter at the same time as Sweetheart, it isn’t much of a stretch to think that Artie – in human form – adopted her at some point. He would have needed a carrier to take her home in.
Would he, though? She’s not a normal cat. She could walk alongside him, or ride on his shoulder. That would be quite fitting actually, given that that was his preferred form of locomotion for most of Narbonic.
For a moment it looked as though Echo Bravo had made both a friend and a convert.
Well, if Echo Bravo has a can opener and some canned cat food, he may yet make a friend.
“I get to be the brains of the team!”
Admittedly, that’s not a very high bar.
Yes, but don’t burst her bubble.
Let Agent Alfa have her moment in the sun.
Talk about hyper-competent! He got a cat in a carrier with out getting any scratches.
It helps that cat knows what a gun would do to them.
It also helps that he only tried it after Cinnamon blew her cover.
“You’re just a monster in disguise,
Who wandered down from above.
You’re just a frightening surprise,
Who came to Earth for me to love.
“And I’ll be sure you’re mine forever,
And you can never return above.
I’ll have a monster in disguise,
Forever in my arms to love!”
—slightly-altered “Angel in Disguise,” Mann / Weiss / Gannon, sung by Sylvester J. Pussycat.
The most tried and true method of outsmarting a clever opponent: subtly insult their ego.
Love this sequence. The ‘snap’ that the strip does so well. Thanks.
Well, so much for Cinnamon the Wonder Cat. Despite would be hanging his head in disbelief if he could see it.
Sorry, “Gaspode”” would be hanging his head. Stupid autocorrect .
I think Cinnamon doesn’t really care much about the cat carrier, the lock would be kitten’s play to defeat, and I have cats that actually sleep in an open one we have because of the nice comfy liner.
Finally caught up with the comic! I understand why several nonhuman sapients in ths comic so far are animals. But why are they all so adorable? Is that part of their defense strategy? I think Cinnamon could recite Robert Frost poems at me and I’d still be trying to give her tuna and pats.
Why are they all so adorable? Well, think about it… would you really want to meet a sapient yogurt culture in a dark alley?
The family photo appears to be the same one that appears in Narbonic 12-23-2006.
The bottom comic first and last panel. Talk about reusing material go Shannon
Damn, Steve. That’s hella recall skills! I am impressed.
Ohh no I was rereading Narbonic and happened upon it. Unfortunately I did forget how to spell Shaenon’s name correctly for which I apologize.
It’s noble of you to be so modest, but I’m still impressed.