It’s entirely possible it was real, but not volatile.
For example, if it was a chunk of C-4, you could shake it, hit it with a hammer, stab it, shoot it, set it on fire, electrocute it, and lots of other things and still not set it off. (You need sympathetic detonation from another explosive – typically a detonator or blasting cap.)
Or, you might simply have a bomb that’s not wired up to blow. A pipe bomb without wires is just a tube full of gunpowder – which is still dangerous in its own way, but not too bad. Same for a stick of dynamite with no attached fuse.
Unless she was smart and made one herself, the only way she’s getting a bomb is finding one randomly, and she wouldn’t have the first clue whether it was actually able to detonate or not.
Oh, regular Unity knows how and loves to blow stuff up (or shoot stuff… and heaven help us if she gets ahold of gardening tools) . She’d have to be Smart Unity to be able to make one that was intended to not be able to go off.
True, Tip has never had a bomb collar before. But please review their past adventures. It can be argued that this is one of the safest missions he’s been on.
Depends on whether the Cypress is sane enough to reason/bargain with (including whether or not she is sane enough to a. recognize Tip; b. recognize Tip as a friend.)
OK, werewolves trying to eat everyone? The sewer swamp in Colma trying to eat everyone? St. Charlie, where hundreds of zombies were trying to eat everyone? Tip’s first field mission, where Leo had Tip’s head in his mouth twice?
Yeah, I think it can be argued that this is certainly at least no less safe than the other missions.
So the April Fool’s prank was simple that he didn’t blow up?
Because I can’t picture Unity using a fake explosive device.
Damn myself for not proofreading my own comment.
Happens to the best of us. Don’t ask me how I know. ^_~
It’s entirely possible it was real, but not volatile.
For example, if it was a chunk of C-4, you could shake it, hit it with a hammer, stab it, shoot it, set it on fire, electrocute it, and lots of other things and still not set it off. (You need sympathetic detonation from another explosive – typically a detonator or blasting cap.)
Or, you might simply have a bomb that’s not wired up to blow. A pipe bomb without wires is just a tube full of gunpowder – which is still dangerous in its own way, but not too bad. Same for a stick of dynamite with no attached fuse.
Unless we’re talking about Smart Unity, I seriously doubt she gave it anywhere near that much thought.
Kind of my point.
Unless she was smart and made one herself, the only way she’s getting a bomb is finding one randomly, and she wouldn’t have the first clue whether it was actually able to detonate or not.
Oh, regular Unity knows how and loves to blow stuff up (or shoot stuff… and heaven help us if she gets ahold of gardening tools) . She’d have to be Smart Unity to be able to make one that was intended to not be able to go off.
I’d prefer to stay well away from those unexplodable bombs, whoever made them.
Ooh, is this gonna be an Annihilation pastiche?
And to think that early on, I was impressed by guys fooling around and playing ‘toss’ with spare grenades….
He da bomb now.
I dunno. Seems like the typical group of PCs to me and as such totally normal people! ^_~
Is that Cammi sitting on Marcie’s shoulder?
Good eye. I missed that.
My squint must be working better today.
Sweetheart’s not wrong, for once.
Actually, the last panel would imply that, yes, she is wrong, again
I suspect that Clifton was referring to Sweetheart’s remark in the third panel.
Bomb collar in PA? Hasn’t that been done before? Complete with a weird ending no less.
True, Tip has never had a bomb collar before. But please review their past adventures. It can be argued that this is one of the safest missions he’s been on.
Depends on whether the Cypress is sane enough to reason/bargain with (including whether or not she is sane enough to a. recognize Tip; b. recognize Tip as a friend.)
OK, werewolves trying to eat everyone? The sewer swamp in Colma trying to eat everyone? St. Charlie, where hundreds of zombies were trying to eat everyone? Tip’s first field mission, where Leo had Tip’s head in his mouth twice?
Yeah, I think it can be argued that this is certainly at least no less safe than the other missions.