On any “Nerd, Geek, or Dork” test, she probably has the maximum score on all three axes, which would make her very weird and unique in itself. Isn’t that enough? It mystifies me that people keep arguing that the only explanation is that she’s Mad…
I’ve seen plenty of discussion as to whether she is mad, but I don’t recall anyone saying that her being mad is the only explanation for her behaviour.
Being mad doesn’t not preclude one from being a geek, and vice versa. There’s no reason she can’t be both.
Because many have claimed to be the Geenerdork and sought to unify the three tribes for their own gain. If she is the prophesied one, she must prove it to those who would be her followers. Better to dismiss her as another madwoman than be disappointed once more.
I’ve actually always been really bugged by them, because of the weird shadowing thing that Shaenon does with them. It always felt like she was supposed to have one ear with black fur, and that it kept inexplicably changing sides.
“Until you’ve been inside a man,
You don’t know what he wants.
You don’t know if he cries at night.
You don’t know if he don’t.
When nothin’ comes easy,
Old nightmares are real.
Until you’ve been inside a man,
You don’t know how he feels.”
This here? This is one of many reasons why Dr. Lee will always be one of my favorite characters in an already great cast Pretty much anyone in the cast would make this same observation, but Virginia’s sheer, juvenile joy in delivering these kinds of lines is unmatched. Also, Tip and Sweetheart are going to end up on a date as a result of this, aren’t they?
A human male body for Sweetie might not be a robot… just someone available when she asks herself, “How can I do this?”… Tip? Ira? Constantine? Anyone she can bodyjack…
I don’t know… Virginia likes schlorping out brains and putting them into machines. I don’t recall her putting any of them back into living bodies. Helen did do it with Dave’s brain the first time he died.
Virginia is having a lot of fun with this.
“Fun” would include making the drone look like Tip? George Clooney? Dave?
Maybe she could get her hands on one of Madblood’s androids and just replace the software with her own.
Oh dear me I hope that’s what happens now.
You don’t want to know how I first read that.
I learned long ago to always make sure that safe search is on when image searching cartoon and anime characters, so I just might.
Tigerlilly Jones called it so long ago. “Hiding himself inside a cute dog. That is such a ‘the Man’ thing.”
Soon, Sweetheart will finally finish her transformation into The Man.
Heh. Well-spotted.
Giving oneself a bonus for taking yourself way too seriously while being unintentionally ridiculous is also an incredibly “the Man” thing to do.
But enough about current events…
That would explain the ridiculous corporate CEO “compensations” we hand out in this country.
With the stuff Sweetheart reads, she should totally see that double meaning XD
Any doubt about Virginia’s nerditity has now been dispelled.
Was there ever any doubt?
On any “Nerd, Geek, or Dork” test, she probably has the maximum score on all three axes, which would make her very weird and unique in itself. Isn’t that enough? It mystifies me that people keep arguing that the only explanation is that she’s Mad…
I’ve seen plenty of discussion as to whether she is mad, but I don’t recall anyone saying that her being mad is the only explanation for her behaviour.
Being mad doesn’t not preclude one from being a geek, and vice versa. There’s no reason she can’t be both.
Dave Davenport is both, so solid argument.
It’s her excitement over things like brain extractions that has me guessing she’s a latent mad.
Because many have claimed to be the Geenerdork and sought to unify the three tribes for their own gain. If she is the prophesied one, she must prove it to those who would be her followers. Better to dismiss her as another madwoman than be disappointed once more.
… Sorry, what were we talking about again?
I love Sweethearts ears.
She is quite expressive, isn’t she.
I’ve actually always been really bugged by them, because of the weird shadowing thing that Shaenon does with them. It always felt like she was supposed to have one ear with black fur, and that it kept inexplicably changing sides.
Me too, for years.
So does she want the look, or the anatomy?
And how might this affect her relationship with Unity? Sure might make their next date different.
Well, Unity had the anatomy herself at least once, so the next date could end up very different.
We don’t know if Dr. Lee’s drones are barbies and kens, though. The Violet Bee drone was.
This sort of thing make me wonder if Virginia, instead of being a latent Mad, simply has a mental age of twelve.
Who doesn’t?
way to set back feminism, Sweetheart.
You said it.
“Until you’ve been inside a man,
You don’t know what he wants.
You don’t know if he cries at night.
You don’t know if he don’t.
When nothin’ comes easy,
Old nightmares are real.
Until you’ve been inside a man,
You don’t know how he feels.”
—Bob Seger, “Shadow on the Moon.”
This here? This is one of many reasons why Dr. Lee will always be one of my favorite characters in an already great cast
Pretty much anyone in the cast would make this same observation, but Virginia’s sheer, juvenile joy in delivering these kinds of lines is unmatched. Also, Tip and Sweetheart are going to end up on a date as a result of this, aren’t they?
Thought Tip was just a transvestite. (Except for his relationship with Artie.)
Now I gotta wonder what this will mean for Sweetheart and Unity’s slowly accreting [1] romance…
[1] I thought better of the term “budding” – It’s more of a geological phenomenon so far.
Next strip: Dr. Lee makes the robot while whipping out old Austin Powers quotes.
A human male body for Sweetie might not be a robot… just someone available when she asks herself, “How can I do this?”… Tip? Ira? Constantine? Anyone she can bodyjack…
I don’t know… Virginia likes schlorping out brains and putting them into machines. I don’t recall her putting any of them back into living bodies. Helen did do it with Dave’s brain the first time he died.
[Narbonic spoiler ahead]
For some reason, this reminds me of Dave during the genderswap formula arc, saying “and then I became a man.”
The second panel here belongs in a hall of fame for unintended euphemisms