Tip’s always ready. Responds to visual stimuli with extremely selective attention. Maybe that’s his ‘secret’ as a heroic seducer. Or ‘free-roaming’ lover, if you will. You’re missing a bet, Shaenon; you could market his image. Or a statue, something with a holder for incense. Awakening the magic necessary for a great sex life. Renewing our optimism and reminding us of our daily goals. Plus he made Captain. As self-centered as he is, he could be this generation’s MacArthur.
Oops! You’re right. I made a terminology translation mistake explaining my character to them. I’m pretty sure I *meant* to say “stockinette”. It makes more sense that way
(But it’s up to Shaenon and Jeffrey if they want to try and fix that)
What we know so far:
1) “I am not me” / “U R Not U”
2) 16 hours is the incubation period of the Pod People
3) Mr. Ask, Tip, Dr. Taintor, Peirson & Lt. Aris will proceed as if they were the originals
4) Tip-2 lacks Tip’s animal magnetism (Lt. Aris being more interested in coffee!)
5) The copies will nobly sacrifice themselves to save the originals
6) When the team returns to Ari Green’s office, he’ll slide out of the closet on a mountain of walnuts!
7) Frog venom gives coffee quite a kick!
1. Interesting reversal. Brought on by madness?
2. & 3. If these are pod people, how does Tip have the comm link to Sweetheart?
4. Lt. Eris is insane. Just because she was into him yesterday doesn’t mean she’ll be into him every day. Tigerlily showed occasional interest in Tip over the years, but look how long it took them to finally get it on.
5. See 2 & 3.
6. Blasphemy! That would be a horrible insult to Laura Petrie.
7. Jet fuel works well, too.
16 hours may indeed be the incubation period for pod people, and their copies may be running around in plain view acting insane, making Ira believe that the mission has failed.
The Cyprus is intelligent. This isn’t just a mindless automatic phenomenon. So it could have easily moved the transmitter itself. That being said, it’s Tip, which means improbably badassery is sort of a given. He could have escaped from the podding process and gone to infiltrate the podlings, but got caught by the amnesia.
Darkstarling: Removing the explosive collar is probably more difficult, especially if you don’t want to alert whoever is keeping an eye on it for Anasigma. Removing Tip’s head would work, but it could be seen as being a little over the top.
They *are* focused! ^_^
They’re focused on the wrong things! D:<
Must be the guy who was saying “I am not me.”
Could just be the guy that informed him.
Tip’s always ready. Responds to visual stimuli with extremely selective attention. Maybe that’s his ‘secret’ as a heroic seducer. Or ‘free-roaming’ lover, if you will. You’re missing a bet, Shaenon; you could market his image. Or a statue, something with a holder for incense. Awakening the magic necessary for a great sex life. Renewing our optimism and reminding us of our daily goals. Plus he made Captain. As self-centered as he is, he could be this generation’s MacArthur.
Well, sweaters are not *supposed* to have garter. I mean, ribbing doesn’t count as such.
Oops! You’re right. I made a terminology translation mistake explaining my character to them. I’m pretty sure I *meant* to say “stockinette”. It makes more sense that way
(But it’s up to Shaenon and Jeffrey if they want to try and fix that)
Yeah, but no one knows if they’re referring to the sweater or the scarf. XD
Oh look, Tip’s fitting in with people he was calling crazy.
We’re all shocked, I’m sure.
What we know so far:
1) “I am not me” / “U R Not U”
2) 16 hours is the incubation period of the Pod People
3) Mr. Ask, Tip, Dr. Taintor, Peirson & Lt. Aris will proceed as if they were the originals
4) Tip-2 lacks Tip’s animal magnetism (Lt. Aris being more interested in coffee!)
5) The copies will nobly sacrifice themselves to save the originals
6) When the team returns to Ari Green’s office, he’ll slide out of the closet on a mountain of walnuts!
7) Frog venom gives coffee quite a kick!
Apologies, Lt. Eris – or was my subconscious suggesting she is Ari’s agent?
If he’s a pod person, does Tip have vegetable magnetism?
1. Interesting reversal. Brought on by madness?
2. & 3. If these are pod people, how does Tip have the comm link to Sweetheart?
4. Lt. Eris is insane. Just because she was into him yesterday doesn’t mean she’ll be into him every day. Tigerlily showed occasional interest in Tip over the years, but look how long it took them to finally get it on.
5. See 2 & 3.
6. Blasphemy! That would be a horrible insult to Laura Petrie.
7. Jet fuel works well, too.
16 hours may indeed be the incubation period for pod people, and their copies may be running around in plain view acting insane, making Ira believe that the mission has failed.
The Cyprus is intelligent. This isn’t just a mindless automatic phenomenon. So it could have easily moved the transmitter itself. That being said, it’s Tip, which means improbably badassery is sort of a given. He could have escaped from the podding process and gone to infiltrate the podlings, but got caught by the amnesia.
I like it!
Darkstarling: Removing the explosive collar is probably more difficult, especially if you don’t want to alert whoever is keeping an eye on it for Anasigma. Removing Tip’s head would work, but it could be seen as being a little over the top.
When a simulacrum meets a simulacrum, a walkin’ through the rye…
A nutter knitter?
The second one we’ve seen!
If he talks too much while making the sweater, he’ll be a natter nutter knitter.
If he starts tying off the end off the yarn while talking, then he’ll be a natter nutter knitter knotter.
I await a netter to keep me from posting these.
Do I see no collar on Tip in panel 4? Artist’s oversight, plot point, or reader’s poor eyesight?
I’m voting for “artist’s oversight” since he had it when they woke him up in yesterday’s strip.
Oohh… Good eye!
OMG, the guy who broke nick out of VR was real?
er… the original VR, not the… extirpation
We already knew he was real. And this ain’t him.
So …. where did Tip’s explodo-collar non-fashion statement go?
Ah, it’s back. ^_^
Kindred spirits, those two.