More Super Old Thumbnails
Shaenon: More Nick and Dr. Lee strips I wrote a million years ago and finally got to draw.
Channing: The situation in which these strips aired is somewhat different than the one Shaenon originally envisioned all those years ago, but I hope that the alternative route I took getting there was close enough that they still felt like they fit.
I always thought Nick would want to brag to a few people. Baron Mistycorn would be the only one not back at Annex One.
Fit like a glove to a hand. It was a great week.
I’ve never encountered a glove that fit particularly well. Takes way too much effort to get my hands into those things.
I’ve never had a pair of gloves that properly fit.
They’re always either too long in the fingers or too narrow. The price of being short and stocky I guess (M length, L or XL width).
Yes, I’ve always wondered about the saying “fit like a glove”. Was it actually meant to say something fit perfectly, or does it simply mean that something is imperfect, but it’s the best you can hope for?
The best gloves I can find are either too short in the fingers, or too big. I’m 6’2″, and I have long fingers, but my hands are not especially large. I would need a glove with XXL fingers, but only M to L width.
Probably you’ve never had a proper pair of handmade fitted gloves—I don’t even know if the industry exists anymore.
What about those of us whose gloves fit just fine? Everybody thinks we’re murderers!
Oh, it’s not just you. Someone once told me I had Charles Manson’s eyes. I just said “um, thanks? … I think.”
Did you check your pockets for them?
Oh, I never carry eyes in my pockets. They get all squicky.
So it was originally the other way around.
I’m glad Ginny got to shout it instead.
Much funnier having her do that than Nick, much more counter-stereotypical.
Funnier and more counter-stereotypical, but also more true to their respective characters. For all that Ginny worries about what other people will think of her, she has no filter at all when it comes to considering how her actions and words will affect others. Nick, on the other hand, is fundamentally a decent person (in the philosophical sense of “person” where the term can apply to a sapient aircraft) and is capable of tremendous respect and empathy; he just chooses to veil those traits behind rudeness and misanthropy most of the time.
So will this ever be incorporated into the story? I sure hope so. It rocks.
Um… this already was in the story… not too long ago. The biggest difference was that Virginia was the one who blurted out “Guess who just joined the mile-high club?”
Not quite. This set of thumbnails has a completely different feel than the “first encounter” scene in the story. But I’m guessing there won’t be any more intimate scenes like this shown between these two…
In all honesty The first two panels of this is one of the best things you’ve ever done. The heart SOARS.
I’m having lingering regret that you didn’t draw Dr. Lee fingering and lingering over Nick’s dog tags…
Yeah, I like the use of the dog tags in this version, too.
Back when I drew the thumbnail I was planning to make the dog tags a more prominent feature in Nick’s cabin, but I didn’t end up drawing them as much as I’d planned to, and they probably got removed when Anasigma repossessed him.
The dog tags are a nice emotional touch, but I doubt they’d have still been in the aircraft by this time.
It would have worked if, when Virginia first escaped from extirpation and got to the hangar to find Nick’s brain missing, she had found his tags still hanging there and grabbed them.
The first two days of the week—with the complementary points of view—just made me so happy when they ran. It’s a combination of loving the characters, loving what the situation brought out in them, loving the artfulness of the strips mirroring each other, and the impact of Dr. Lee’s last sentence…The way it all fit together was truly elegant.
That second panel looks amazing. His hand on her leg, under her skirt… wow.