June 2019 Wallpaper: Yelling Science
Shaenon: I should probably do more wallpaper designs featuring quotes from the strip. So here’s one!
If you make a donation in any amount to the Skin Horse Tip Jar, or contribute any amount to our Patreon, we’ll give you a link to this wallpaper, designed for two computer desktop sizes and cell phones. Patreon contributors will continue to receive new wallpaper for the length of their contribution.
As a bonus, you’ll get this second wallpaper from the archives:
Channing: This is a lovely, self-empowering inversion of the line as it appeared in the strip, and it makes me feel all fuzzy inside.
“Believe me if all those endearing young charms which I gaze on so fondly today…”
“Behold my giant screwdriver! The pointy end takes care of science, the blunt end takes care of naysayers of science!”
“Wait, what? How does it do that? *bludgeoned*
But, wait! I get a saving throw, because I have a wrench!
Please please please make this available as a sticker or a t-shirt or something. I have so many grad students to get it for.