Puppy Sketches
Shaenon: Hey! Puppy sketches!
Channing: Once again I question why we didn’t choose to spend ten years doing 100% Baby Sweetheart instead.
Shaenon: Hey! Puppy sketches!
Channing: Once again I question why we didn’t choose to spend ten years doing 100% Baby Sweetheart instead.
A flashback would be a nice excuse… “Shaenon’s Puppy Babies”!
Sweetheart, so pure, so innocent in those days. Who’d’ve thought she’d, you know…
Ah… she only looked innocent. All part of Captain Bram’s evil plan. If only he hadn’t… y’know… died.
Page two, upper right. “Muddy and proud!”. I did that, once.
Only once that you were ever muddy and proud? Or just only once that your mother allowed you to savour that feeling for more than a few seconds? 🙂
Just one brief time before she found me, and made her own views on mud abundantly clear…
Reminds me of high school. We played touch football during lunch and one rainy muddy day we decided we *had* to do tackle. I went from being the big slow liability to being a towering marvel on the field, able to slog along with three guys hanging off me until the friend who was actually on the football team and knew how to tackle people got there.
Went into the next class soaking wet, covered in mud, and grinning line an idiot.
You guys should do a baby spin off, like Looney Toons and the muppets did.
Have you read Li’l Mell, perchance?
Granted it’s a spinoff of Narbonic rather than Skin Horse, but you might enjoy it if you like seeing Shaenon’s characters as young’uns.
I would love to see a page with all her characters as toddlers. She could stretch a point with Unity and Moustachio…
“Li’l Mell and Sergio Meet the Li’l Freaks of Nature”
Or Un-Nature…
Niko-hime and her unicorn could get a cute puppy too?