September 2016 Wallpaper: Grillo Parlante
Shaenon: One of the backer rewards for the Skin Horse Volume 6 Kickstarter is an ebook collection of “Grillo Parlante,” the guest-artist storyline that ran during my maternity leave. I made this cover for the ebook and liked it well enough to turn it into a wallpaper design.
As usual, if you make a donation in any amount to the Skin Horse Tip Jar, or contribute any amount to our Patreon, we’ll send you a link. Patreon contributors will continue to receive new wallpaper for the length of their contribution.
As a bonus, you’ll also get…puppies!
Channing: Look, the mere presence of puppies should be enough for any reasonable individual. Puppies AND something else? You’d have to be crazy to pass this up!
Or, er, financially uncertain for a number of good reasons. We respect that.
Anyway, if you feel like tossing us a Patreon buck or two, you get cool things, is all I’m saying.
Got ’em- GET ’em! Sweetheart as a puppy, and the cover of what looks like a real book- that should exist! When The Boss finishes Skin Horse, I hope these characters appear prominently in her next work!
How’d you make this all slightly-worn book-cover looking?
I scanned worn book covers and copied the wear-and-tear. As it happened, I mostly used old Encyclopedia Brown paperbacks, which made a nice accompaniment to the Hardy Boys/Three Investigators design for Grillo Parlante.
I’m famous! ^.^ (Ssshhhhh, don’t spoil my dreams.)
I miss Hugey P. Nothing will top getting to draw a rapping humpback whale.
‘Talking grasshopper’?
Ah, Gepetto’s cricket. Implications abound.