Explanation number one. I am the telepathic shape shifting Jersey Devil here to help stop Anasigma from screwing up my turf.
Explanation number two. I am a guy what noticed Ginny is smoking hot and was going to be running around out in the fragrant, romantic milieu known as the New Jersey pinelands so I wanted to be there just in case she needs a man.
Ginny is in the middle of Skulduggery Triage. Whatever Shelby’s doing, it’s either already happened (in which case she can’t do anything about it right now), or it’s going to happen. If it’s going to happen, it’s either going to slop on her, or it won’t. Under the circumstances, Ginny’s prepared to just let third-party skulduggery go off on its own and do whatever it is it’s going to do.
Also, something’s occurred to me. What if Anasigma really is comparatively innocent in this affair? By framing them, Shelby could ignite the New War early, thus putting them at a disadvantage.
That implies Shelby is not human, Which is possible. It also implies that Shelby believes Anasigma’s interests align with humanity in general. Which is im…plausible. Shelby seems too ‘socially’ smart to make that kind of mistake.
Although he isn’t necessarily the one trying to do the framing, I suppose.
You’re sure to like at least one!
Maybe he can share them with the rest of us and we can rank them by originality, plausibility, and humor.
They just better be *good* explanations, mister!
Cuing Don Adams: “Would you believe…”
So basically everybody is pretty much out there rescuing everybody else.
Except Uncle Shelby, who is safe inside, trying to come up with several good reasons why he came here.
Don’t forget the Chesapeake Bay Monster and what’s left of Sweetdaddy…
…and Bubbles?
Explanation number one. I am the telepathic shape shifting Jersey Devil here to help stop Anasigma from screwing up my turf.
Explanation number two. I am a guy what noticed Ginny is smoking hot and was going to be running around out in the fragrant, romantic milieu known as the New Jersey pinelands so I wanted to be there just in case she needs a man.
Romantic? Jersy?
Nothing says “romance” like gbrious expressways.
Yep. Knew something was up.
This is a world of mad scientists and black ops agents. It’s shorter to list what isn’t up at any one time.
You can tell Ginny is used to hanging around with villains. (Or at least shady characters with secret agendas.) Doesn’t even phase her anymore.
Also doesn’t fool her for long anymore. “Don’t bother explaining, you’re busted. I’d deal with you later.”
Ginny is in the middle of Skulduggery Triage. Whatever Shelby’s doing, it’s either already happened (in which case she can’t do anything about it right now), or it’s going to happen. If it’s going to happen, it’s either going to slop on her, or it won’t. Under the circumstances, Ginny’s prepared to just let third-party skulduggery go off on its own and do whatever it is it’s going to do.
This is not poised to end well. End of Act II, indeed.
Also, something’s occurred to me. What if Anasigma really is comparatively innocent in this affair? By framing them, Shelby could ignite the New War early, thus putting them at a disadvantage.
That implies Shelby is not human, Which is possible. It also implies that Shelby believes Anasigma’s interests align with humanity in general. Which is im…plausible. Shelby seems too ‘socially’ smart to make that kind of mistake.
Although he isn’t necessarily the one trying to do the framing, I suppose.
Yaaaaaaayyyyy!!! Snake rescue!!! <3 (um… I have six pet snakes. I kinda like them. None are cobras, though.)
I’m sure all of them are precious snoot boops, though.
Going by herself or taking Meg with her?
Duh. Finally got it.
Shelby. Cobra.
Nice photograph.
Doh! (Facepalms.)
You know you’re jaded when dealing with the obvious lies and conspiracies become just another checkpoint on your to-do list.
And you know your life is awesome when it ranks below “save sentient cobras from the jersey devil”.
Well I mean, it’s no Cleveland, but still…
Maybe he’s just an absent-minded professor™?
“Oh also you pushed a car sized robot out of the way of gunfire like it was nothing, what’s up with that?”