Shaenon: The Couscous Collective’s latest anthology, ILLUMINATION, is here! Actually, it’s been out for a few weeks, but I was putting the Patreon together and making a new wallpaper and so on. Anyway, I did a sweet Narbonic story. You can pick up a copy at the Couscous Store.
The next anthology theme: MONSTERS.
Channing: Always very much looking forward to reading new Narbonic stuff, myself. I hope you feel the same way.
The had-hitting sequel to “Where is That Damn Lightswitch?”
Just finished trawling through the archives yesterday, so I suppose one could say I feel rather enlightened now. Of course no live being would dare make such a horrid pun.
Gave it a try, but every time I clicked “add to your shopping cart,” I wound up on a page saying “your shopping cart is empty.” Alas. Maybe later.
Took another angle at it and was able to place an order. Continued best.