Mixed-Up Thumbnails
Shaenon: Oh man I love drawing Human!Nick so much. Human!Nick is even more fun to draw than shoulder angels. Conestogas of Death are neat but hard to draw.
Channing: Just add one onto the list of injuries I’ve inflicted on Shaenon over the years. Prudence’s “Conestoga of Death” line was originally meant to be a one-off gag, but once I wrote about it I immediately determined that it needed to actually show up.
I have no idea what “conestoga of death” is. Also why does Shaenon put an explanation point between “human” and “nick” instead of a space?
Look up Conestoga wagons. And the exclamation point thing is fairly common nowadays (online, anyway) to denote a specific version of something.
Period conestoga wagons were sometimes even made watertight so they could ford rivers w/out flooding out the contents. NO IDEA how actually stable they were – probably seriously depended on how well loaded they were (center of gravity).
Wagons West version of the modern amphibious Jeep or DUKW (of which a modified design currently used all over the world for tour vehicles. Many of which are actually converted military craft dating to WWII.)
Thanks for the explanation of characterization tags, Val! For more information, check out http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CharacterizationTags .
Shoulder angels of human nick. There you go Shanon, I just blew your mind.
Wait… Would Nick’s shoulder Angels be human Angels, or helicopter Angels? Would it matter which state he was in? I mean, he no longer considers himself human, so…?
Probably the angel would look like Dr. Lee.
And with further thought, the devil should look like Jonah Yu.
I am now pondering what cherubic helicopters would look like. Maybe I’ll try my hand at drawing some.
Replace each rotor blade with a feathery wing, perhaps? Or maybe you could replace the entire rotor with a halo?
I was imagining V-22 shoulder angels to have 2 little halos, and v-22 shoulder devils to have cockpit horns.
Where would they hover, since he doesn’t have shoulders?
Over his “wings.” Also, the devil one so totally needs to have bat wing rotors.
Maybe nick would have both human and aircraft shoulder angels. It’d be a bit crowded and noisy.
Shoulder devil–human. Shoulder angel–helicopter. Voila!
I like the way you think.
They’re actually marmosets, for some reason.
Marmoset there’d be days like this, there’d be days like this, my marmoset…
I think you might have something there, because, let us not forget, Nick has fallen in love with Dr. Lee, and, although he had previously decided that being a helicopter was cool, it appears, based on the strips when he was inhabiting the drone, he might have begun to regret the lack of a human body.
I always love seeing all the changes the script goes through
The good cherub might be a cute white chopper with a glowing halo effect for the blades moving- the evil one, maybe human Nick in his VR helmet- with a beanie propeller and horns, and no censor…
I’d give the evil one chain saws for rotors if it was a helicopter. Although I like your idea a lot.
Nick’s shoulder angels would be ‘copters! Nick is a helicopter! His body is a helicopter! His primary brain-map is a helicopter! He. Is. A. Helicopter.
He’s not a human, so his angels would not be human. (Although I suppose self-doubt-angel might be, if one of the main ways his self-doubt manifests is in doubting his identity as a helicopter.)
And AG-1 is deliberately causing denying his identity and causing major dysphoria and is being BAD PEOPLE.
Seconded on the identity issues, but that’s why human!Nick is the shoulder devil. The ONLY conceivable reason for a human shoulder angel is if it was Dr Lee. Makes sense cause she brings out his best nature and character development, but doesn’t because that implies his good is caused by someone external rather than highlighted. It’s an interesting case of representational metaphor.
It’s Nick. Good and Evil shoulder Airwolves.
irdburns: (in case this fails to attach as a reply)
But human!Nick STILL shouldn’t be the shoulder devil. Like, the shoulder-devil (I’m just now remember that they’re called “sprites”, aren’ty they?) is the manifestation of his evil/selfish side — the side that told him to not help when they’re in trouble with the machine union, the side that tells him to fail an Op just to spite AG-1.
The shoulder-devil/evil-sprite is his evil part, NOT something evil towards him. So they still take the shape that he does. Self-doubt, if part of it is in the form of doubt-of-his-identity, /would/ take the form of human!Nick because it is actively thinking of himself in a human form, doubting his identity as a ‘copter.
@Brad: Shoulder-Angel is Airwolf. Shoulder-Devil is K.A.R.R.