Shaenon: You know what I suddenly thought would be a good idea?  If the adventures of Nick and Baron Mistycorn were a 1960s shoujo manga.  Hence this month’s wallpaper.

As usual, if you make a donation in any amount to the Skin Horse Tip Jar, I will send you a link to the wallpaper. Each wallpaper a comes in two different aspect ratios (regular screen and widescreen) to fit most computer monitors, and in both Mac-friendly and PC-friendly orientations.

As a bonus, your donation will also get you the first Tarot-themed wallpaper I made, the Fool.  I need to make some more of these.


Here’s a link to the wallpaper page.


Channing: Admit it.  You totally want to see a manga about a crabby angry nerdy little princess and her crabbier angrier nerdier unicorn steed.