Shaenon: No way! It cannot be! But it is! The first Skin Horse print collection is in the works! Volume 1 will feature the first year of strips, from the beginning through “I Can Fly.” Plus a bonus story by Jeff and me, pinup art by various folks, and, for no extra charge, real paper!

This will be the first book published under the Couscous Collective imprint. (Well, actually there was this one minicomic by Andrew, but historians will be arguing the details for decades.) Many, many thanks to Pancha Diaz for the lovely book design.

The book will be out in August. The price is $14.00.

Oh, am I ever excited.

Channing: I command EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU to buy this book. BUY THE EVER-LOVING HELL OUT OF IT. What will your purchase price get you? “Skin Horse” you can read in your bathtub, that’s what! And for quite a bit less scratch than a waterproof laptop, that much is certain. Also, I cannot make any promises, but it is very likely that the never-before-seen bonus story may have guns in it, or at least a gun, and that’s gotta be worth something right there.

Seriously, is this an awesome-sauce cover or not? The answer is that it is. Many thanks to the intimidatingly capable Pancha.

In summary, buy this book.