The “how’d they print that thing” question was always one I had about that flarking “Mission Accomplished” banner they strung up on that aircraft carrier when Shrub claimed that we’d won the war on terror or whatever line was at the time. Like, do they carry banners like that on all aircraft carriers? Do they have gigantic printers on them? All very confusing (and incredibly stupid)
See what I mean about dog-politics?
Sweetheart, you are in a fun webcomic on the Internet. Logic has no place here.
This is all sounding very familiar…except Tip would make a vastly better President than Trump.
Quantity vs. quality, eh, Bill?
The “how’d they print that thing” question was always one I had about that flarking “Mission Accomplished” banner they strung up on that aircraft carrier when Shrub claimed that we’d won the war on terror or whatever line was at the time. Like, do they carry banners like that on all aircraft carriers? Do they have gigantic printers on them? All very confusing (and incredibly stupid)
They… flew it on? Why is that confusing?
Tip doesn’t just have gender bending powers, he has reality bending powers!