But on those grounds, Tip and Sweetheart are saying something completely meaningful and *we* are the ones getting GODOT’d. What can we trust now?!!! [/conspiracynut]
That sorta assumes that he was being truthful about his limits in which case we are relying upon the famed and well-known truthfulness of those who deal in illusion. It also assumes that he wouldn’t seek and obtain a workaround on that. The speed of a silicon mind compared to the speed of a human time might very well have made interaction with Our Heroes seem a leisurely hobby while he was doing hat. >_>
About a month ago, GoComics had a drawing of five signed prints to celebrate getting 80,000 FB likes, including 2 prints from Nancy, and one each from Tank McNamara, Close to Home and something that’s not any of the others. Guess which one I picked..
Damn you, do you know how much time I lose every time someone references that arc, making me go back to check one detail only to get sucked into the whole story again?
Our mission had begun, and a goal we had …
We found the train St. Charlie, full of scientists so mad!
For our date, we can’t be late!
For GODOT we cannot wait!
Just what’s in store … if can make it through that door?
But Unity … could see it all!
She’s intelligent enough to read the writing on the wall!
Chowing down on cerebellum,
Gotta find her team and tell ’em,
They’re perplexed … because GODOT can alter text!
But Violet Bee … then lit her fuse!
She said, “I’m gonna blow you up!”, but Doctor Lee said, “I refuse!”
She put on Armageddon’s brakes
By saying “buttermilk pancakes”!
Though it’s absurd … Virginia knew the secret word!
No more GODOT! But did he die?
We cannot be completely sure, he was a powerful A.I. …
But it seems someone can amend
Their speech, what does this all portend?
We’ve reached the end! Is this the end? (Almost!)
We’ll just be waiting for GODOT……to come back.
Oh god I laughed so hard!
I haven’t even read the book, I just know if it!
“Je suis comme ça. Ou j’oublie tout de suite ou je n’oublie jamais.”
Translation: “I’m like that. Either I forget right away or I never forget. ”
(Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot)
Manipulate minds?
Only of those who believe everything they read.
But on those grounds, Tip and Sweetheart are saying something completely meaningful and *we* are the ones getting GODOT’d. What can we trust now?!!! [/conspiracynut]
That sorta assumes that he was being truthful about his limits in which case we are relying upon the famed and well-known truthfulness of those who deal in illusion. It also assumes that he wouldn’t seek and obtain a workaround on that. The speed of a silicon mind compared to the speed of a human time might very well have made interaction with Our Heroes seem a leisurely hobby while he was doing hat. >_>
The way he makes the words appear is by manipulating the pattern-recognition parts of people’s brains.
Although I wonder, does that refer to the story of GODOT or this story line in general? Guess will find out tomorrow.
W. What?
I ….. I ……. I actually guessed the ending?
comments–> http://skin-horse.com/2013/by-forces/
I think I need a drink and a good lie down :-p
About a month ago, GoComics had a drawing of five signed prints to celebrate getting 80,000 FB likes, including 2 prints from Nancy, and one each from Tank McNamara, Close to Home and something that’s not any of the others. Guess which one I picked..
They used my print! Boss!
And it looks most cool, too. Now I have to get it framed.
Meh, there was no need to qualify “The End” with “(Almost)” – we’ve seen that trick before in “Choose”…
Damn you, do you know how much time I lose every time someone references that arc, making me go back to check one detail only to get sucked into the whole story again?
(TUNE: “I Will Survive”, Gloria Gaynor)
Our mission had begun, and a goal we had …
We found the train St. Charlie, full of scientists so mad!
For our date, we can’t be late!
For GODOT we cannot wait!
Just what’s in store … if can make it through that door?
But Unity … could see it all!
She’s intelligent enough to read the writing on the wall!
Chowing down on cerebellum,
Gotta find her team and tell ’em,
They’re perplexed … because GODOT can alter text!
But Violet Bee … then lit her fuse!
She said, “I’m gonna blow you up!”, but Doctor Lee said, “I refuse!”
She put on Armageddon’s brakes
By saying “buttermilk pancakes”!
Though it’s absurd … Virginia knew the secret word!
No more GODOT! But did he die?
We cannot be completely sure, he was a powerful A.I. …
But it seems someone can amend
Their speech, what does this all portend?
We’ve reached the end! Is this the end? (Almost!)
Not _Still Alive_?! Come, come!
Hmm, is it a joke to end the storyline or is it really A DELICIOUS TREAT FOR THE EARS AS WELL AS THE EYES?
That would have worked better, but the font tags apparently didn’t take.
…but it was a very nice try.
Could that barista be Caliban?
I suspect GODOT is hiding in some of the unused space in UNITY’s brain.
Or if there just happened to be some improperly decommissioned cybernetic hardware lying around that GODOT could inhabit…
I bet peach form #31 specifically addressed issues of this kind. The rules exist for everyone’s safety. Bureaucrats are the real-life superheroes.
It is a BAD thing when one misspells one’s own name.
Oh come on!
Nicely done, I approve!
Well, I’ll never be able to look at that font the same way again.
He’s probably coming back for the final reel, but what’s a cyborg intelligence going to do now?