If I actually had money, I’d commission a pic of Sweetheart like that for a T-shirt. There’s something about a talking dog growling about getting dragged to coffee that just begs to be a T-shirt, don’t you think?
I think that gavotte is secretly just very insecure in her role as a minor character, and uses this clandestine behavior to make herself feel more important to the plot. It’s really the watercooler behind everything.
But that’s only if they tell you their REAL secret agenda. It could be a decoy secret agenda, designed to distract you from the fact that their public agenda is really a secret code for the UFO people’s decoy agenda.
Okay, so the Reply button isn’t even TRYING to work any more. My comment timed 12:18 pm was in response to Ian Thompson’s comment timed 7:45 am.
Anyway, it occurred to me that the zombies of Colma would be unusually interesting, because those graveyards have three very distinctive demographic groups:
1) People who died while at or trying to escape from Alcatraz, including one of Ma Barker’s boys.
2) Baseball players. Zombie Dolph Camilli and Joe DiMaggio?
3) Musicians. Imagine the horror of Zombie Vince Guaraldi playing the Charlie Brown theme for all eternity, to say nothing of Zombie Eddie Fisher.
I keep seeing people complaining about the reply button, and I’m not saying I don’t believe them, but I have yet to have any trouble replying to anyone. Maybe it’s playing favorites?
This does suggest that just plain asking Gavotte about her nefarious plans might be effective.
“Say, Gavotte, how’s your super-secret micro-nuke collection coming along?”
“Oh, just dandy, thanks! Just one more and I can hold the world to ransom!”
Poor Sweetheart For someone who works in the black ops business, she sure doesn’t handle intrigue very well. Oh well, she can always get back at Gavotte by taking extra long breaks and maybe swiping some paperclips.
I’m sorry, I can’t divulge information about that customer’s secret, illegal account. /hangs up/
Oh crap, I shouldn’t have said he was a client. Oh crap, I shouldn’t have said it was a secret. Oh crap, I certainly shouldn’t have said it was illegal!
Oh my gosh Sweetheart is so adorable in that last panel.
OMG, I had to scroll away from the comic to stop squeeing at the last panel!
Too cute. :3
If I actually had money, I’d commission a pic of Sweetheart like that for a T-shirt. There’s something about a talking dog growling about getting dragged to coffee that just begs to be a T-shirt, don’t you think?
Norton I, the Protector of Mexico?
Well, he is buried in Colma.
. . . or was.
What if it’s not the Emperor Norton? What if it’s the Widow Norton?
…I’d like to see the Widow Norton alongside him, actually. It’d be super fun.
The Widow Norton used the title ‘Empress’, so no. That doesn’t bar the possibility of them ruling together, however.
Zombie Emperor Norton 1st? Damn being reality-blind is awful…
One can only hope
“Drag me to the coffee. Now.”
Words so many of my workdays open with.
I think that gavotte is secretly just very insecure in her role as a minor character, and uses this clandestine behavior to make herself feel more important to the plot. It’s really the watercooler behind everything.
Thought so.
Since when has Gavotte been into trolling?
(This was supposed to be in response to the Emperor Norton stuff…)
To tip the coffee over, right?
It’s probably pretty difficult for a gestalt entity to stop being facetious.
An honor due Emperor Norton…you know it’s the right thing to do…
Alas – to most of the mundanes who cannot see the fnords, it is merely a load of flax. They don’t have enough pride in their local history.
(TUNE: “Lady Madonna”, The Beatles)
Secret agenda,
Helping the undead!
Putting my ideas in Doc Lee’s head!
Secret agenda,
Clever plan of mine!
Drumming up support for Prop Thirty-Nine!
Letting secrets slip has Sweetheart scowling!
But I know exactly what I’ve done!
”Drag me to my coffee now,” she’s growling …
It’s so much fun!
Secret agenda!
Told you, yes I did!
But my public plans, though, I still keep hid!
Huh, I accidentally sang it to the tune of most of “Man on the Moon” and it worked perfectly.
Her public secret agenda is just a cover, she wants his help finding the third reactor, so she needs to gain his support.
Sweetheart isn’t getting it, if someone tells you their secret agenda It means they trust you completely.
Ah, but ‘that’ secret agenda is merely the public face of her ‘real’ secret agenda
If she needs help with her secret public secret agenda, she could call Mike Berbiglia.
OK, now Gavotte is just messing with their heads. Probably until they realize that she really is on their side….
Probably after they realize which side she’s on, too.
There’s only so much a cognizant swarm of bees can do for entertainment, after all. She has to amuse herselves somehow.
Gavotte has always trolled the team
But that’s only if they tell you their REAL secret agenda. It could be a decoy secret agenda, designed to distract you from the fact that their public agenda is really a secret code for the UFO people’s decoy agenda.
Okay, so the Reply button isn’t even TRYING to work any more. My comment timed 12:18 pm was in response to Ian Thompson’s comment timed 7:45 am.
Anyway, it occurred to me that the zombies of Colma would be unusually interesting, because those graveyards have three very distinctive demographic groups:
1) People who died while at or trying to escape from Alcatraz, including one of Ma Barker’s boys.
2) Baseball players. Zombie Dolph Camilli and Joe DiMaggio?
3) Musicians. Imagine the horror of Zombie Vince Guaraldi playing the Charlie Brown theme for all eternity, to say nothing of Zombie Eddie Fisher.
I keep seeing people complaining about the reply button, and I’m not saying I don’t believe them, but I have yet to have any trouble replying to anyone. Maybe it’s playing favorites?
Could it be browser-specific? I’m using the current Firefox.
I’m using the latest version (30.0.1599.69 m) of Chrome.
Fortunately, we needn’t worry about a zombie Wyatt Earp, as his body was cremated before being interred at Colma.
Gavotte has a public agenda, a secret agenda, and a double secret probation agenda. That’s the one Sweetheart really wants to know.
I wonder how many of those Colma zombies have their own webcomic?
This does suggest that just plain asking Gavotte about her nefarious plans might be effective.
“Say, Gavotte, how’s your super-secret micro-nuke collection coming along?”
“Oh, just dandy, thanks! Just one more and I can hold the world to ransom!”
Poor Sweetheart
For someone who works in the black ops business, she sure doesn’t handle intrigue very well. Oh well, she can always get back at Gavotte by taking extra long breaks and maybe swiping some paperclips.
I’m sorry, I can’t divulge information about that customer’s secret, illegal account. /hangs up/
Oh crap, I shouldn’t have said he was a client. Oh crap, I shouldn’t have said it was a secret. Oh crap, I certainly shouldn’t have said it was illegal!
Eh, it’s too hot today,