It could be the Whimsy VR, but Anasigma has really been able to do VR on their own since day one so I don’t see why they should use Whimsy’s.
It could be that Anasigma has used Virginias own tech against her and ironically put her brain in a large luxury cruiser and this is the VR they use to have her brain adapt to the situation.
Later we’ll se both of them escape and start a new life together as cruiser and helicopter.
it just struck me that you might be right—not about the cruiser although that’s not impossible—but about Ginny being in a VR because they schlorpped out her brains and stuck her in something. It’s a horrifying thought, but then it was horrifying when she did it to Nick, too.
I don’t know if anyone’s pointed it out yet, but she’s wearing different clothes, or at the very least a different top, to what she was wearing when she was captured. This could mean something… whether it’s “this is a VR” or “someone changed her clothes while she was unconcious” is up for debate.
“Oh what did Del-a-ware boy, what did Delaware
What did Del-a-ware boy, what did Delaware
She wore a brand New Jersey,
She wore a brand New Jersey,
She wore a brand New Jersey,
That’s what she did wear
One, two, three, four
Oh, why did Cali-fon-ia
Why did Cali-fon
Why did Cali-fon-ia
Was she all alone
She called to say Ha-wa-ya
She called to say Ha-wa-ya
She called to say Ha-wa-ya
That’s why she did call
Uno, due, tre, quattro
Oh what did Missi sip boy
What did Missi sip
What did Missi sip boy
Through her pretty lips
She sipped a Minne sota
She sipped a Minne sota
She sipped a Minne sota
That’s what she did sip
Un deux trois quatre
Where has Oregon, boy
Where has Oregon
If you wan Al-ask-a
Al-ask-a where she’s gone
She went to pay her Texas
She went to pay her Texas
She went to pay her Texas
That’s where she has gone
Eins zwei drei vier
Oh how did Wis-con-sin boy
She stole a New-brass-key
Too bad that Arkan saw, boy
And so did Tenne-see
It made poor Flori-di, boy
It made poor Flori-di, you see
She died in Miss-our-I, boy
She died in Miss-our-I
Oh what did Del-a-ware boy, what did Delaware
What did Del-a-ware boy, what did Delaware”
—song by Irving Gordon, sung by Perry Como. Make of it what you will.
Sorry, corporate law is the best that I can do Anyhow, the Blue Hens lost against the University of Rhode Island (which is disappointingly the Rams and not the Reds).
This is going to be one of those special hells that should be a paradise but fail so spectacularly at it that demons and pitchforks actually start to sound good.
Or even worse, you find the little imps riding the stationary cycles and pulling the levers that make it all move in sync. If you thought your performance reviews were bad, theirs is a whooole ‘nother level when they get caught.
Once upon a time, a young girl (me) was born amidst the vast sprawl of the Rockies. One day, she and her family went on a trip to the East coast, and the girl (still me) fell asleep in the car for a few paltry minutes before her siblings’ tickle fight woke her up. In that time, the car had passed through Delaware. In one side and out another.
“Impossible! That’s far too small to be a whole state!” She cried.
She pondered on the unbelieveable fact until she came to the conclusion that it was Not A Fact At All! Something so strange cannot truly exist! The girl (once again: me) had uncovered a plot hidden for decades, even centuries! A fictional state where secret agents could “live” while they traveled the world and took part in Bond-esque escapades. It made perfect sense! Content with her logic, she fell asleep again and missed passing through Delaware on her way back, playing in to her confirmation bias.
The End
Oh believe you me, Delaware can manage a traffic jam. It’s not so bad now with the new tollbooths they put in a few years ago, but when the previous tollbooths funneled I-95 down to far too few lanes, it was ALWAYS jammed. I once drove from Jersey down to Maryland and it took us 3 HOURS to make it through the 12 miles of 95 called the Delaware Turnpike that takes you through the state.
Well, you should still criticize for taking so long to give you a straight answer.
It’s a kid. For her, those are straight answers.
You should have asked better questions
Oh, *she’s* Beatrix!
References, please?
There is a Beatrice who guides the poet Dante through Paradise.
nitpick: Beatrice was a woman he loved, the poet Virgil guided him through Hell.
Efogoto: Paradise isn’t Hell. Or, at least, it wasn’t meant to be. Both Virgilio and Beatrice act as guides in the Divine Comedy.
I remember a series of commercials from the 80’s for Beatrice Foods that ended with the tagline, “We’re Beatrice”.
Yes, it was those insanely annoying commercials- I figured this crowd would spot me the exact spelling…
Beatrix Potter?
Is she Tigerlily or her love child? Is Beatrix’s last name Jones?
Well, Tigerlily’s first name is Berenice.
Missing period?
…Interestingly, if one reads your question the *other* way it might actually be an workable method for determining whether this is a Whimsey VR setup.
Thank you. You have saved me from trying to parse that sentence for the next five minutes.
Well, Lee IS missing punctuation in Panel 1…
She’s just that lost and confused
But really, aren’t we ALL where are we?
“But really, aren’t we ALL where are we?”
Guy comes home finds his wife in bed in the middle of the day. Goes to the closet and finds his best friend naked.
“Earl,” he asks “Why are you in my closet?”
“Well, everything has to be somewhere” Earl answers.
In the words of the great Buckaroo Banzai, “remember, no matter where you go, there you are.”
Are congratulations in order?
She does have her hand on her stomach. Hallmark doesn’t sell that card, Wizards of the Coast does (0 0/2F, Gyrocopter).
It could be the Whimsy VR, but Anasigma has really been able to do VR on their own since day one so I don’t see why they should use Whimsy’s.
It could be that Anasigma has used Virginias own tech against her and ironically put her brain in a large luxury cruiser and this is the VR they use to have her brain adapt to the situation.
Later we’ll se both of them escape and start a new life together as cruiser and helicopter.
I’d say it is Anasigma’s VR if there are walnuts involved at some point.
Whimsy’s VR was given to Baron Mistycorn as a “retirement” gift. So it couldn’t be that.
it just struck me that you might be right—not about the cruiser although that’s not impossible—but about Ginny being in a VR because they schlorpped out her brains and stuck her in something. It’s a horrifying thought, but then it was horrifying when she did it to Nick, too.
I suppose that this isn’t all that relevant, but the dear Doctor is looking particularly cute with her hair down.
that panel reminded me that I originally started reading Skin Horse because I saw its icon on GoComics was Ginny, and I was intrigued by the drawing.
Where am I?
– In The Village.
What do you want?
– Information.
Whose side are you on?
– That would be telling.
I *really* don’t want a big, white beach ball chasing me down.
The big white unicorn pool floatie is more terrifying..
Questions are a burden to others; answers, a prison for yourself.
Could be worse. At one point when I was out West, I told someone I was from Delaware and they asked me what state that was in.
I know I might regret asking, but what state were you asked that in?
No one’s guessed it’s Lovetron yet? For shame.
I guess that’s how Lovetron became so awesome, Anasigma put all their radest rebels there
I don’t know if anyone’s pointed it out yet, but she’s wearing different clothes, or at the very least a different top, to what she was wearing when she was captured. This could mean something… whether it’s “this is a VR” or “someone changed her clothes while she was unconcious” is up for debate.
What did Delaware? Her brand New Jersey.
Ba-dump bump!
Alternate version:
If Mississippi gave Missouri her New Jersey; what, oh what will Delaware?
I don’t know. Alaska…
(I’ve remembered that since reading it in a “Children’s Digest” in the late 1960s…)
“Oh what did Del-a-ware boy, what did Delaware
What did Del-a-ware boy, what did Delaware
She wore a brand New Jersey,
She wore a brand New Jersey,
She wore a brand New Jersey,
That’s what she did wear
One, two, three, four
Oh, why did Cali-fon-ia
Why did Cali-fon
Why did Cali-fon-ia
Was she all alone
She called to say Ha-wa-ya
She called to say Ha-wa-ya
She called to say Ha-wa-ya
That’s why she did call
Uno, due, tre, quattro
Oh what did Missi sip boy
What did Missi sip
What did Missi sip boy
Through her pretty lips
She sipped a Minne sota
She sipped a Minne sota
She sipped a Minne sota
That’s what she did sip
Un deux trois quatre
Where has Oregon, boy
Where has Oregon
If you wan Al-ask-a
Al-ask-a where she’s gone
She went to pay her Texas
She went to pay her Texas
She went to pay her Texas
That’s where she has gone
Eins zwei drei vier
Oh how did Wis-con-sin boy
She stole a New-brass-key
Too bad that Arkan saw, boy
And so did Tenne-see
It made poor Flori-di, boy
It made poor Flori-di, you see
She died in Miss-our-I, boy
She died in Miss-our-I
Oh what did Del-a-ware boy, what did Delaware
What did Del-a-ware boy, what did Delaware”
—song by Irving Gordon, sung by Perry Como. Make of it what you will.
Have you discovered that Delaware is a fiction invented by the Trilateral Commission for its own nefarious purposes?
Did you know that students who exchange digital watches with multiple partners increase their chances of contracting bubonic plague by 300%?
Well, is Whimsy incorporated in Delaware?
Sorry, corporate law is the best that I can do Anyhow, the Blue Hens lost against the University of Rhode Island (which is disappointingly the Rams and not the Reds).
If they are in a state of sweetness, than it definitely isn’t Delaware.
This is going to be one of those special hells that should be a paradise but fail so spectacularly at it that demons and pitchforks actually start to sound good.
Or even worse, you find the little imps riding the stationary cycles and pulling the levers that make it all move in sync. If you thought your performance reviews were bad, theirs is a whooole ‘nother level when they get caught.
Once upon a time, a young girl (me) was born amidst the vast sprawl of the Rockies. One day, she and her family went on a trip to the East coast, and the girl (still me) fell asleep in the car for a few paltry minutes before her siblings’ tickle fight woke her up. In that time, the car had passed through Delaware. In one side and out another.

“Impossible! That’s far too small to be a whole state!” She cried.
She pondered on the unbelieveable fact until she came to the conclusion that it was Not A Fact At All! Something so strange cannot truly exist! The girl (once again: me) had uncovered a plot hidden for decades, even centuries! A fictional state where secret agents could “live” while they traveled the world and took part in Bond-esque escapades. It made perfect sense! Content with her logic, she fell asleep again and missed passing through Delaware on her way back, playing in to her confirmation bias.
The End
Fascinating. I find your logic unassailable.
It makes sense. It can’t be a state if it can’t even manage one decent traffic jam.
It is a shame that you weren’t going to the east coast of Delaware, though. Then we’d know if the version of it shown here is plausible.
Oh believe you me, Delaware can manage a traffic jam. It’s not so bad now with the new tollbooths they put in a few years ago, but when the previous tollbooths funneled I-95 down to far too few lanes, it was ALWAYS jammed. I once drove from Jersey down to Maryland and it took us 3 HOURS to make it through the 12 miles of 95 called the Delaware Turnpike that takes you through the state.
Anyone who’s been stuck in Milford on Memorial Day weekend is well aware that Delaware has traffic jams.
Maryland resident, can confirm the existence of beaches in Delaware. There’s even a ferry to Cape May, NJ, nearby.
Lets be real here for a moment… nobody knows that much about Delaware.
Candy colored beach houses are not Rehoboth or Dewey. Could be Bethany Beach though.
I’m pretty sure Delaware is not on the coast.
I’m. . . actually pretty sure it is.
Um… yeah. Delaware is on the coast alright. East and north of Maryland, and south of Jersey.