Somehow, I suspect the laws of comedy dictate that, now that Violet has openly recanted on her subterfuge “desires,” she’s going to get far more than she ever bargained for…
Now you may have guessed,
Now you may suspect …
It’s time I confessed,
Your love I reject!
You may have had some hope,
But, mister, now it’s gone!
Don’t cry or pout or mope,
Just keep your cute silky panties on!
In spite of the lust
That I see in your eyes,
You can’t touch my bust
And you can’t spread my thighs!
I know that you’re frustrated,
Parts turning blue!
But you won’t get your lust sated,
I’m dumping you!
I want no sex!
I want no love!
I want no … (bleah!) sex!
I suspect something’s gotten scrambled and she’s running through lines she prepared back before the Machine Union negotiations, when she assumed Tip would bang her.
I got my books, strips, and sketch in the mail. They’re very nice. I also didn’t realise that the tier I supported under would get me one of the slip cases, which was a pleasent surprise. Thanks all around.
Somehow, I suspect the laws of comedy dictate that, now that Violet has openly recanted on her subterfuge “desires,” she’s going to get far more than she ever bargained for…
The laws of comedy also dictate that when you use reverse psychology on a psychologist, it works.
Would someone please hit Violet with a clue by four?
(TUNE: “I Want Your Sex”, George Michael)
Now you may have guessed,
Now you may suspect …
It’s time I confessed,
Your love I reject!
You may have had some hope,
But, mister, now it’s gone!
Don’t cry or pout or mope,
Just keep your cute silky panties on!
In spite of the lust
That I see in your eyes,
You can’t touch my bust
And you can’t spread my thighs!
I know that you’re frustrated,
Parts turning blue!
But you won’t get your lust sated,
I’m dumping you!
I want no sex!
I want no love!
I want no … (bleah!) sex!
Xanatos Speed Chess perhaps? Or would this be the Max Smart gambit instead? o_O
Given what they’re discussing, it’s closer to Xanatos Speed Dating.
Gasp! I am shocked, Violet! Shocked and appalled! Okay, maybe not that shocked.
I suspect something’s gotten scrambled and she’s running through lines she prepared back before the Machine Union negotiations, when she assumed Tip would bang her.
Either that or she’s just clueless.
Standard Denial pattern. Tip ain’t rejectin ME! I’m rejecting HIM!
Yeah. Poor guy. *nod*
You know, I find her level of self-delusion almost . . . Madbloodian!
I got my books, strips, and sketch in the mail. They’re very nice. I also didn’t realise that the tier I supported under would get me one of the slip cases, which was a pleasent surprise. Thanks all around.
The first time Violet rejected Tip:
July 5, 2010 (continues for the rest of the week).
No, that’s Tip rebuffing Violet, all right? unless you mistyped.
I feel like this is a script prewritten with the assumption Tip would fall for Violet, and Violet’s operator didn’t care enough to change it.
Given previous strips, it seems more likely that Violet’s operator is just batshit insane.