Ed Gedeon (eddurd) says:
You can’t even get fired from the civil service if you’re an ugly rat. For all those offended by the comparison, please let me clarify that it was *not* my intent to imply that there is no difference between repulsive disease-carrying vermin and honest, hard-working lab rats.
Bzzzzd: May the 4Z be with you.
bzzzzd (bzzzzd) says:
Ms. muffinthamighty says: “Oh, and it was I, not terrafire, who misspelled rite.”
meep! (damn those undifferentiated quotes!) Mea culpa.
Mr. channing says: “I think the monkeys are still alive.”
I guess the zoo authorities might be angry if their incarcerated catarrhines were eaten without permision. Monkey meat is actually quite tasty if properly prepared.
Mr. Ed: Thank you. (at least somebody is paying partial attention). But please remember, little bees are busy, but big bees bumble.
Ed Gedeon (eddurd) says:
You can’t even get fired from the civil service if you’re an ugly rat. For all those offended by the comparison, please let me clarify that it was *not* my intent to imply that there is no difference between repulsive disease-carrying vermin and honest, hard-working lab rats.
Bzzzzd: May the 4Z be with you.
bzzzzd (bzzzzd) says:
Ms. muffinthamighty says: “Oh, and it was I, not terrafire, who misspelled rite.”
meep! (damn those undifferentiated quotes!) Mea culpa.
Mr. channing says: “I think the monkeys are still alive.”
I guess the zoo authorities might be angry if their incarcerated catarrhines were eaten without permision. Monkey meat is actually quite tasty if properly prepared.
Mr. Ed: Thank you. (at least somebody is paying partial attention). But please remember, little bees are busy, but big bees bumble.
Getting fired from the civil service has not aged well….