Dahlin, you’ve got a Remote-Controlled, Cross-Dressing, Robot Princess right heah! PLUS a talking brain in a jar, hard radiation, neurotic puppet droids, whatever it is Pinkie Pie do… err, Tip does, AND a gainfully employed zombie whose Boss is a talking dog.
As much as I LOVE Comic-Con… those amateur freaks wouldn’t last five minutes in your bailiwick!
Its 2019, zombies AND vampires are overdone. We need werewolves, talking dogs, more cross dressers and talking robots, not just androids or terminator styled robots. Talking wall-ee styled robots.
I’m guessing Nick is at least as jazzed about the “man” part as he is about the “brave” part.
tune: “What I Did for Love,” Marvin Hamlisch & Edward Kleban, A Chorus Line, 1975
Hand over the bling
And point me toward the Boot Camp
I’ll do what I have to do
For Virginia Lee
I’ll come through for love
I’ll come through for love
You’re the shtupping king
But I can be her true champ
She said I’m more brave than you
It’s all up to me
I’ll come through for love
I’ll come through for love
Yes! I will wear the dress!
I’ll be your princess
Gimme the tiara
Whimsy found its guy
And I have found my calling
It’s what I was born to do
Ginny Lee
Count on me
“She” I’ll be . . . for love!
I’ll come through for love!
I’ll come through for love!
I think it’s an open question. In the strip his swears are filtered, so we can’t tell what language he’s using. On his blog, he can swear, but he swears in English. He should try Yiddish or another language, and see what the swear filter does.
A lot of people think there was in-comic proof that the swear filter blocks Yiddish cursing, but I’m pretty sure it was at MOST implication by rhyming, which isn’t always [master-filking] accurate. Judging by how it reacted to “[mukluk]”, though, I’d guess he can’t say things like “[schmutz]”, “[supping]”, and “[folder-stacker]”.
…wait, I can say “schmutz”? Cool! “I love to read the filthiest [butts] available!” …[crown], never mind.
“Caffeinated freak” has to be the weirdest insult ever uttered.
I’d transfer to an English-speaking country just to befriend some guy, have a fight with him, and call him a caffeinated freak.
Now listen, Nick, it’s true
That we need you desp’rately!
Though I’m not sure why you
Had to to mention Doctor Lee …
Although she likes you!
And she thinks you’re really brave …
Yes, she likes you,
So our butts you gotta save!
Your body, face, and hair
Are as “princess” as it gets!
Tiara you will wear …
Can you make it work with sweats?
But Ginny likes you!
An extr’ordinary guy …
Yeah, she likes you,
Though I’m really not sure why … (ooo!)
She likes you! Pork pork pork!
She likes you! Pork pork pork!
Time to princess up
And show them what you’ve got!
Time to princess up,
And go and ki-i-i-i-ick …
Some ‘bot! (Like like like!
Like like like like!)
Is it true that on board ship the Navy will “promote” a ground pounder to “Major” just to avoid the confusion of having more than one Captain on a ship?”
Not to my knowledge. The commander of a medium-sized ship’s (Frigates, Cruisers) Marine security detachment is usually a Captain (and USMC Officer ranks are structured pretty much like their Army counterparts) and the Navy crew might generally refer to him/her as “Sir”/”Ma’am” in order to avoid confusion, but the detachment commander won’t be “promoted” for a frivolous reason like that. (Alternately, the ship’s Captain might be called “Skipper” if he’s given his permission to be so addressed; but that’s very rare these days.)
in the Navy the rank of captain refers to the commander of the ship
and is equivalent to that of a Army Col. ,whereas the Army/Marines
rank of captain is equivalent to the Navy rank of Lieut. rather than
give the officers a demotion they are (sometimes) bumped up a grade and given a courtesy acting rank of major. particularly if they are the senior Marine officer on board
(tried posting this a couple hours ago goes through 0
I wonder: Is Tip just sincerely mentioning what Virginia likes to talk about or his he feeding Nick what he thinks/knows Nick wants to hear? I’m leaning a little towards the former, judging by his body language, but it could be either.
See! All Nick needed was the proper motivation!
love !
Just saw a couple of Disney Princesses outside the Marina Ballroom at the Marriott, which made me remember to check tonight’s post ^_^
Tip’s right, Nick is brave.
Oh, Comic-Con! I saw a group of zombie Disney Princesses, which is an obvious improvement over whatever Jeff and I are doing here.
Dahlin, you’ve got a Remote-Controlled, Cross-Dressing, Robot Princess right heah! PLUS a talking brain in a jar, hard radiation, neurotic puppet droids, whatever it is Pinkie Pie do… err, Tip does, AND a gainfully employed zombie whose Boss is a talking dog.
As much as I LOVE Comic-Con… those amateur freaks wouldn’t last five minutes in your bailiwick!
This is like “Metropolis” on acid, man.
Meh. Zombies are done to death these days… Give me a decent vampire any day!
Hmph. Is there no love for cyborgs anymore?
Its 2019, zombies AND vampires are overdone. We need werewolves, talking dogs, more cross dressers and talking robots, not just androids or terminator styled robots. Talking wall-ee styled robots.
I’m guessing Nick is at least as jazzed about the “man” part as he is about the “brave” part.
tune: “What I Did for Love,” Marvin Hamlisch & Edward Kleban, A Chorus Line, 1975
Hand over the bling
And point me toward the Boot Camp
I’ll do what I have to do
For Virginia Lee
I’ll come through for love
I’ll come through for love
You’re the shtupping king
But I can be her true champ
She said I’m more brave than you
It’s all up to me
I’ll come through for love
I’ll come through for love
Yes! I will wear the dress!
I’ll be your princess
Gimme the tiara
Whimsy found its guy
And I have found my calling
It’s what I was born to do
Ginny Lee
Count on me
“She” I’ll be . . . for love!
I’ll come through for love!
I’ll come through for love!
Very good. But can Nick say “shtupping”?
I think it’s an open question. In the strip his swears are filtered, so we can’t tell what language he’s using. On his blog, he can swear, but he swears in English. He should try Yiddish or another language, and see what the swear filter does.
A lot of people think there was in-comic proof that the swear filter blocks Yiddish cursing, but I’m pretty sure it was at MOST implication by rhyming, which isn’t always [master-filking] accurate. Judging by how it reacted to “[mukluk]”, though, I’d guess he can’t say things like “[schmutz]”, “[supping]”, and “[folder-stacker]”.
…wait, I can say “schmutz”? Cool! “I love to read the filthiest [butts] available!” …[crown], never mind.
Uh oh, does this mean Tip gets to do a make-over? It’s going to be a looonnnnggg wait for Monday’s strip.
Didn’t this happen in the Neverending Story?
One rarely gets a sweet moment and a laugh-out-loud moment in the same strip, but there they both are today.
“Caffeinated freak” has to be the weirdest insult ever uttered.
I’d transfer to an English-speaking country just to befriend some guy, have a fight with him, and call him a caffeinated freak.
I’m pretty sure I’ve heard it before.
Was referring to someone who was a heavy user of coffee and mountain dew.
Oh… Doc Nickel!
(TUNE: “She Loves You”, The Beatles)
Now listen, Nick, it’s true
That we need you desp’rately!
Though I’m not sure why you
Had to to mention Doctor Lee …
Although she likes you!
And she thinks you’re really brave …
Yes, she likes you,
So our butts you gotta save!
Your body, face, and hair
Are as “princess” as it gets!
Tiara you will wear …
Can you make it work with sweats?
But Ginny likes you!
An extr’ordinary guy …
Yeah, she likes you,
Though I’m really not sure why …
She likes you! Pork pork pork!
She likes you! Pork pork pork!
Time to princess up
And show them what you’ve got!
Time to princess up,
And go and ki-i-i-i-ick …
Some ‘bot!
(Like like like!
Like like like like!)
To paraphrase that great philosopher Al Bundy: Men will fight, will build civilizations, will become princesses really for only one reason: women.
I just realized – Tip reached the rank of O-3 while he was on active duty.
That means that today he is officially Captain Clueless.
Are you sure about that? Seems to me like Tip just got exactly what he wanted with only a few words. Remember what his profession is?
Only because he was Army.
Navy he’d be a full Lieutenant.
Is it true that on board ship the Navy will “promote” a ground pounder to “Major” just to avoid the confusion of having more than one Captain on a ship?”
Not to my knowledge. The commander of a medium-sized ship’s (Frigates, Cruisers) Marine security detachment is usually a Captain (and USMC Officer ranks are structured pretty much like their Army counterparts) and the Navy crew might generally refer to him/her as “Sir”/”Ma’am” in order to avoid confusion, but the detachment commander won’t be “promoted” for a frivolous reason like that. (Alternately, the ship’s Captain might be called “Skipper” if he’s given his permission to be so addressed; but that’s very rare these days.)
in the Navy the rank of captain refers to the commander of the ship
and is equivalent to that of a Army Col. ,whereas the Army/Marines
rank of captain is equivalent to the Navy rank of Lieut. rather than
give the officers a demotion they are (sometimes) bumped up a grade and given a courtesy acting rank of major. particularly if they are the senior Marine officer on board
(tried posting this a couple hours ago goes through 0
A tiara with that outfit? Of course! C’mon Tip, surely you’ve heard of dishabille?
Tip is never dishabille, though he often causes it in others…
First time coming here. Nice comic…
I wonder: Is Tip just sincerely mentioning what Virginia likes to talk about or his he feeding Nick what he thinks/knows Nick wants to hear? I’m leaning a little towards the former, judging by his body language, but it could be either.
Dammit, the lenses on my photoreceptors are misting up.
Even when Tip is being oblivious, he still knows which buttons to push.