Rule of Funny in the Narbonverse or any other cartoon being what it is, you’re probably right. But I’ll take the other end of the bet anyway just for kicks! ^_^
There’s no orbital velocity you can reach from inside the atmosphere. Any orbit you could be in would pass through the point you started from, and thus decay rapidly from atmospheric drag.
Well, any orbit around the body you launched from.
You could shoot directly into an orbit around the sun.
What? Are you doubting the science of Jules Verne?
Of course you can reach escape velocity with a big enough kaboom. It’s surviving the acceleration that’s the trick. Going from zero to 11.2 kilometers per second via explosion involves a not-survivable level of acceleration, if you’re going to insist on following the laws of physics.
Yes, but just exploding to escape velocity won’t get you into orbit. You have to have either constant burn (which is how Single Stage to Orbit works), or a secondary correction burn (this is what the Space Shuttle and other two stage space planes do).
The other possibility that you can do with a sudden acceleration is a hyperbolic trajectory that isn’t an orbit at all. Although I don’t think that’s possible from within atmosphere; as drag is proportional to velocity squared, the greater your starting velocity the faster you lose it.
That’s always been one thing that really bugged me in Star Trek 4. When they accelerated to warp speed while still in Earth’s atmosphere, the G-forces would have killed everyone on board.
@awgiedawgie Why would it? The ship can only go up to just below light speed. Warp factors bend space, it doesn’t cause actual FTL travel (see alcubierre drive). Warp Factor 1.2 is 1 level of warping plus .2 lights, for example;. Also, a trekkie ought to know that the IDF would neutralize G-forces anyway or the whole damn ship would be crushed under acceleration.
True mad science doesn’t balk at mere trifles. If you can build a device which would permit the passengers to survive reaching escape velocity via explosion, then mere vernier rockets to adjust the trajectory would be trivial.
It’s true, though, that the two who just “kaboomed” here don’t seem like the type to have thought of that…
My theory is that Lovetron is actually some extremely remote location on Earth. Maybe a tropical island run by a couple of Mad scientists. No one knows where it actually is, but they’ve been told it’s another planet, and they believe it because anyone who’s ever been there has only ever gotten there by teleportation.
As for where Tony and Merc end up, that’s up in the air (no pun intended… oh, who am I kidding – that pun was totally intended).
Im gona go with “not dead” here and say that they made it to planit lovetron.
Rule of Funny in the Narbonverse or any other cartoon being what it is, you’re probably right. But I’ll take the other end of the bet anyway just for kicks! ^_^
It’s a forced-extraction astral projection machine. Their bodies could easily be dead and vaporized while their souls made it to Lovetron just fine.
How soon before they come back to Earth?
I suppose it depends on whether or not they left it.
If they left Earth, did the reach orbital velocity?
There’s no orbital velocity you can reach from inside the atmosphere. Any orbit you could be in would pass through the point you started from, and thus decay rapidly from atmospheric drag.
Well, any orbit around the body you launched from.
You could shoot directly into an orbit around the sun.
What? Are you doubting the science of Jules Verne?
Of course you can reach escape velocity with a big enough kaboom. It’s surviving the acceleration that’s the trick. Going from zero to 11.2 kilometers per second via explosion involves a not-survivable level of acceleration, if you’re going to insist on following the laws of physics.
Yes, but just exploding to escape velocity won’t get you into orbit. You have to have either constant burn (which is how Single Stage to Orbit works), or a secondary correction burn (this is what the Space Shuttle and other two stage space planes do).
The other possibility that you can do with a sudden acceleration is a hyperbolic trajectory that isn’t an orbit at all. Although I don’t think that’s possible from within atmosphere; as drag is proportional to velocity squared, the greater your starting velocity the faster you lose it.
That’s always been one thing that really bugged me in Star Trek 4. When they accelerated to warp speed while still in Earth’s atmosphere, the G-forces would have killed everyone on board.
@awgiedawgie Why would it? The ship can only go up to just below light speed. Warp factors bend space, it doesn’t cause actual FTL travel (see alcubierre drive). Warp Factor 1.2 is 1 level of warping plus .2 lights, for example;. Also, a trekkie ought to know that the IDF would neutralize G-forces anyway or the whole damn ship would be crushed under acceleration.
True mad science doesn’t balk at mere trifles. If you can build a device which would permit the passengers to survive reaching escape velocity via explosion, then mere vernier rockets to adjust the trajectory would be trivial.
It’s true, though, that the two who just “kaboomed” here don’t seem like the type to have thought of that…
What will H. T. and the town council say about this?
“Good Riddance!”. ^_^
And then will come all the complaints about broken windows and strange, funky graffiti appearing out of nowhere on their roofs.
VyoooooPOW! Nice exit!
I swear, if this arc was one long tease…
You can’t spell ‘demolition’ without ‘mission’!
Any mission that ends with new animal ears for Unity is a successful mission.
On the planet Lovetron, no one can hear you scream because…
They funked up their ears!
I’m still waiting for the weird things to happen in this arc.
Nothing says successful mission like violent explosions!
The question isn’t did they live, the question is when will they come back (and what will they bring with them?)
(kicks Towering Barbarian)
(runs and hides)
(Extravagant wallpaper of panel 2 extravagant-wallpaper-of-panel-2 extravagantwallpaperofpanel2????)
No way they aren’t somehow now gonna appear at Annex One because of Dr. Jones’ funk giving mixed signals as to where Lovetron is.
My theory is that Lovetron is actually some extremely remote location on Earth. Maybe a tropical island run by a couple of Mad scientists. No one knows where it actually is, but they’ve been told it’s another planet, and they believe it because anyone who’s ever been there has only ever gotten there by teleportation.
As for where Tony and Merc end up, that’s up in the air (no pun intended… oh, who am I kidding – that pun was totally intended).