I’m trying to recall – are the drones capable of eating and drinking? Because we’ve seen her drink, at the very least, which I’m not sure the drones can do…
I’m not sure of that. Just the fact that he’s going to the puppets means that Tip has to sense that there is something very wrong here. This might be the difference between escaping with his head and – organs – intact and well, losing something important.
He can just mojo the collar off, but he doesn’t want to show his hand just yet. If he did, he might not get a chance to talk to the Cypress, and he really does want to.
When the puppets come out, all bets are off! However… there is something strange in the interplay. Tip doesn’t seem to be giving it his all. Perhaps playing a game within a game. Wheels within wheels, an enigmatic cypher wrapped within a metaphor…
I’ve used both “land barge” and “land yacht” to describe cars I’ve driven in the past, but I don’t don’t recall ever using “land boat”. But then again, in the Narboniverse, it may really be a normal term.
Dammit, Tip, not the puppets!
Tip, you are an evil, evil man.
Yeah, but we knew that from the start.
This must be Mr Green in a drone, right? Clearly there”s *still* something wrong with his girlness!
I’m trying to recall – are the drones capable of eating and drinking? Because we’ve seen her drink, at the very least, which I’m not sure the drones can do…
We saw the Violet drone eat and drink more than once, although Nick said we really don’t want to know what happens later.
She resembles a non-avian version of the bird-woman who had an aversion to hats…Niue? Even her hair has a feathery texture.
Yes, I thought that as well when we first met her. Could be a distant relative.She doesn’t seem to mind hats, though.
This was my exact thought.
Tip,at times you are your own worst enemy.
I mean… that kind of assumes that he wants to / it would be beneficial to goink Lt. Eris. I’m not sure that’s true, or should be.
I’m not sure of that. Just the fact that he’s going to the puppets means that Tip has to sense that there is something very wrong here. This might be the difference between escaping with his head and – organs – intact and well, losing something important.
With THAT cheerful, wise-azz spirit animating his behavior, Tip’s got Greenie and his ilk already in the bag.
Clearly he’s building up the sexual tension for when they REALLY need a mojo burst. Burning it now would be a waste.
And working in the digs at ASIG to help spur a betrayal later.
Maybe he’s trying to get leverage to get someone to help him get the collar off. I gather sexual manipulation can be very effective.
He can just mojo the collar off, but he doesn’t want to show his hand just yet. If he did, he might not get a chance to talk to the Cypress, and he really does want to.
I think that might be Tip’s cutest face ever in panel 3!
An expedition of madmen, and, after something like this, Tip is supposed to be the sane one?
As I’ve pointed out before, there’s a distinct difference between “not Mad” and “sane”.
A difference which makes no difference is no difference.
Okay, to put it another way, in the Narboniverse, there’s a difference between Mad and mad. And yes, it makes a difference.
Sane? Yes. Competent? … we’ll get back to you in 3-6 business days… not counting bank holidays
I’d be disappointed too. Puppets are like bad drones; they can’t do anything!
When the puppets come out, all bets are off! However… there is something strange in the interplay. Tip doesn’t seem to be giving it his all. Perhaps playing a game within a game. Wheels within wheels, an enigmatic cypher wrapped within a metaphor…
The puppets have saved the day before. Remember Moustachio’s overwinding?
I guess that explains why he needed so much material to make his dress
I think, Dr. Ask, they’re called “cars,” not “land boats.”
That depends on the car. My second car was a ’76 Ford Grenada that was a proper land yacht.
Would that make a Gremlin a garbage scow?
This is a Mad scientist you’re dealing with here. It may very well be a “land boat”, not a car.
I don’t know whether it says more about me or about the Narboniverse that I didn’t realize until this moment that “land boat” is not a usual term.
I’ve used both “land barge” and “land yacht” to describe cars I’ve driven in the past, but I don’t don’t recall ever using “land boat”. But then again, in the Narboniverse, it may really be a normal term.
I don’t know. Ask Werner Herzog.
Is the implication that a different smash cut did indeed take place?
Not this time. Usually the cut would be to Tip and whoever in bed together.
I bet he just doesn’t want poison ivy.
Hmm, looks like a colouring error in the last panel. Tip’s collar has been painted the colour of his skin.