Which part?
The ‘not melting down experimental drones despite orders’, the ‘using one or more said experimental drones for sexy times’, the use of said drone by someone neither authorized or employed by Anasigma, or some combination thereof?
We really shouldn’t be surprised by Sweetheart in panel 4. After all, we know what kind of literature she enjoys in her downtime. She’ll probably suggest Nick in a goblin drone next.
I just hope Sweetheart does better in acting like a human than she did the previous time. Maybe without Ao/Green setting her up to fail she can succeed. Whatever that means.
So how did Dr. Lee move Mr. Green’s Used Drones down to the storage closet in Skin Horse’s new HQ? She wasn’t all that good smuggling Hitty and Moustachio around a while back…
Hitty and Moustachio are rather large. None of those drones look bigger than a normal human body. She could even have used a remote and just walked them in one at a time.
So, Dr. Lee is perfectly aware of Nick’s unspoken, awkward, and shy feelings towards her? Does she enjoy living within the tension of a Sam and Diane unrequited love scenario, or is this merely a symptom of her science madness?
Yeah, I think Virginia and Nick are still pretty much clueless about how strongly the other feels. Sure, they know they enjoy spending time together — playing video games or watching lossy youtube rips of Star Trek — but neither one of them has mustered the courage to say how they really feel.
Nick needs a drone for any number of reasons.
In addition to Dr. Lee’s needs, he needs someone/thing sitting in the pilot’s seat (for the sake of appearances) and he very definitely needs a means to do service and maintenance by himself in a pinch.
I’m surprised he doesn’t already have one stowed away somewhere on-board.
A drone in the pilot seat is just ASKING for a recursion nightmare scenario.
How do you resolve a system in which the helicopter is controlling the drone which is controlling the helicopter which is controlling the drone which is controlling the helicopter which is controlling the…
By realising that the drone wouldn’t actually be flying? Though I don’t really see the point of that myself, who cares if anyone sees him flying without a pilot?
Is this the first confirmation we have that Dr. Lee is interested in Nick on a more-than-friends level? I’m so happy! I was thinking his love would just go unrequited forever.
@Sheik good point about having a drone on board for repairs. I hadn’t thought about that. That would be immensely helpful, and give Nick a slightly higher level of autonomy.
It really is quite surprising that Nick rejected the drone so completely. Even if he’s happy being a helicopter now, he still has the same problem Sweetheart does about not having thumbs. Probably more so, since she can at least pick things up in her mouth in a pinch. Nick is totally incapable of interacting with anything that isn’t digital, and while that covers most things it’s hard to believe that he doesn’t have any use for hands.
Such cute ears, too.
I Ship It!
(Always have really…)
Looks like at least one of the drones is wearing shoes. (Well, a shoe – we can’t see the other foot.)
Well, that’s a potential extirpation evaluation, right there.
Which part?
The ‘not melting down experimental drones despite orders’, the ‘using one or more said experimental drones for sexy times’, the use of said drone by someone neither authorized or employed by Anasigma, or some combination thereof?
Using a single shoe
Using a single shoe which is not properly polished.
Ding ding ding ding! We have two winnas!
Maybe the other foot has a price tag tied to the big toe.
Just wait around a bit. I’m sure the other shoe will drop.
You’re thinking about it right now, aren’t you, Dr. Lee?
I mean, if someone -directly- asks you, of course you’re going to think about it
Wait, does everyone know, or is this Sweetheart learning?
Because either way, I’m interested to see how this goes.
Judging from the expression on Sweetheart’s face, I’d say she definitely knew, and is happy that she got Virginia to say it out loud.
I think the Virginia/Nick thing is a lot like the Sweetheart/Unity thing, where everyone else could see it long before they realized it themselves.
OMG What ADORABLE Expressions, especially Dr Lee’s in panel 3 and Sweetheart’s in panel 4!!!!!
We really shouldn’t be surprised by Sweetheart in panel 4. After all, we know what kind of literature she enjoys in her downtime. She’ll probably suggest Nick in a goblin drone next.
I love whenever Dr. Lee blushes, it’s just the best!
Test models? Hope that doesn’t mean Sweetheart isn’t going to have to deal with design bugs…
Grrr. “Hope that doesn’t mean Sweetheart is going to have to deal with design bugs”. Don’t post tired, folks!
Oh, I for one hope to see Sweetheart dealing with new and exciting design bugs. *pulls out popcorn*
I just hope Sweetheart does better in acting like a human than she did the previous time. Maybe without Ao/Green setting her up to fail she can succeed. Whatever that means.
Fleas and ticks?
So how did Dr. Lee move Mr. Green’s Used Drones down to the storage closet in Skin Horse’s new HQ? She wasn’t all that good smuggling Hitty and Moustachio around a while back…
Hitty and Moustachio are rather large. None of those drones look bigger than a normal human body. She could even have used a remote and just walked them in one at a time.
So, Dr. Lee is perfectly aware of Nick’s unspoken, awkward, and shy feelings towards her? Does she enjoy living within the tension of a Sam and Diane unrequited love scenario, or is this merely a symptom of her science madness?
I interpreted it as she has feelings for him but is not aware he has feelings for her.
Yeah, I think Virginia and Nick are still pretty much clueless about how strongly the other feels. Sure, they know they enjoy spending time together — playing video games or watching lossy youtube rips of Star Trek — but neither one of them has mustered the courage to say how they really feel.
Nick needs a drone for any number of reasons.
In addition to Dr. Lee’s needs, he needs someone/thing sitting in the pilot’s seat (for the sake of appearances) and he very definitely needs a means to do service and maintenance by himself in a pinch.
I’m surprised he doesn’t already have one stowed away somewhere on-board.
A drone in the pilot seat is just ASKING for a recursion nightmare scenario.
How do you resolve a system in which the helicopter is controlling the drone which is controlling the helicopter which is controlling the drone which is controlling the helicopter which is controlling the…
By realising that the drone wouldn’t actually be flying? Though I don’t really see the point of that myself, who cares if anyone sees him flying without a pilot?
Is this the first confirmation we have that Dr. Lee is interested in Nick on a more-than-friends level? I’m so happy! I was thinking his love would just go unrequited forever.
@Sheik good point about having a drone on board for repairs. I hadn’t thought about that. That would be immensely helpful, and give Nick a slightly higher level of autonomy.
I believe it’s been confirmed before? I’m off to look for comic proof, away!
This might be confirmation.
Implication at least.
This counts as confirmation to me!
Though this comic today was the most confirming, so you’re probably right.
Virginia blushes – #28
It really is quite surprising that Nick rejected the drone so completely. Even if he’s happy being a helicopter now, he still has the same problem Sweetheart does about not having thumbs. Probably more so, since she can at least pick things up in her mouth in a pinch. Nick is totally incapable of interacting with anything that isn’t digital, and while that covers most things it’s hard to believe that he doesn’t have any use for hands.