Justin Grubbs (the_purple_knight) says: It’ has the face of a hamster
Vlad Taltos (flyingfish) says: Or maybe a gerbil?
Andy Wetmore (efogoto) says: But that tail is all rat, all right.
Basil Jelly (basil_jelly) says:
And the kerosene that was mentioned earlier makes its second appearance.
Unity is on the case!
James Rice (jhrice) says: It’s either an Ur-gerbil or an R.O.U.S.
K. Myers (bassetking) says:
R.O.H.S. I believe, Mr. Rice, pronounced as you would “Tip is so far up the creek without a paddle, he is unable to R.O.H.S. himself to safety.”
NigaiAmai Yume (nigaiamai_yume) says:
Unfortunately, Skip has yet to learn monstrosities produced through Mad Science rarely add up to the sum of their parts. “So I should do EXTRA well with a human-sized rat.” Ya, right.
Ya, sure, I know it’s mostly Tip trying to CONVINCE himself rather than an actual belief, but still, if he hasn’t put together 1 + 2 = Lack of Reason by now, it’s his own fault.
Michael Brewer (wusemajor) says: On the upside, if the Rat really is the last link in the chain, perhaps he can convince it to relocate to Artie’s Rodent Paradise. I refuse to belive that anyone as nice as Artie wouldn’t have started a privately funded habitat or two for other trans-genic rodents.
David Harmon (mental_mouse) says:
Um, that rat isn’t human sized, he’s bear-sized!
Basil: Just because it’s dripping doesn’t mean it’s kerosene….
Ed Gedeon (eddurd) says:
Tip is juicy-looking? He looks a little tough and stringy to me … maybe needs a good marinade and some plum sauce.
…er, that just being a humorous observation and not based on personal experiences of cannibalism in any way. Really.
Dave Van Domelen (dvandom) says: Well, on the scale of psychologists, he may well be on the juicy end. At least in the rat’s personal experience.
Tiff Hudson (tiff_hudson) says: And that is why you should never go in a Secret Government Basement with less than a .44 Magnum.
So It Begins (soitbegins) says: Hey ho. Oh well– at least he’s sentient. Again.
Jeremy Berg (pisceneanteater) says: Is it just me, or is that rat friggin’ adorable?
Aaron Shades (prof_tinker) says:
Ed, don’t be silly. We need honey glazing and chocolate sauce, here.
. . . . . . . . . .. .. … . . hmmm. Hmmmmm. Hmm.
Jane Narbon (lady_madsci) says: That is a rat.
Basil Jelly (basil_jelly) says: I abhor the implication that the Civil service is a haven for cannibalism. It is well known that we now have the problem relatively under control.
So It Begins (soitbegins) says:
Today on the Mad Scientist Wars:
The Do-Gooder’s Escape, the Monologue of Jane Narbon, That Guy’s Terrible Secret, The Professor and the Teddy Bear, and Why You Should Never Say Certain Phrases While In Orbit, In Case Things Go from Bad to Worse.
Only on Comics By Shaenon II – http:// comicsbyshaenon dot free-forums dot org / !! Visit it today!!
Bill McGann (odo) says: Did someone say “hamster”? Anybody got duct tape?
Ryan Boes (thatguy) says: Maybe, when the rat says juicy, he means hot. I’m not going to judge him, Tip is hot
Edwin Quantrall (reynard) says:
Basil Jelly says: “I abhor the implication that the Civil service is a haven for cannibalism. It is well known that we now have the problem relatively under control.”
Rugby Player A: “Rugby players eat their dead!!!”
Rugby Player B: “No, we eat our *wounded*. The dead we leave for the fans…”
Tip did not follow this line of thoughts to its terrible conclusion. As a research psychologist he knows a lot about the rats from experience. But then, a rat may in turn know a thing or two about the research psychologists, from similar experience…
Justin Grubbs (the_purple_knight) says: It’ has the face of a hamster
Vlad Taltos (flyingfish) says: Or maybe a gerbil?
Andy Wetmore (efogoto) says: But that tail is all rat, all right.
Basil Jelly (basil_jelly) says:
And the kerosene that was mentioned earlier makes its second appearance.
Unity is on the case!
James Rice (jhrice) says: It’s either an Ur-gerbil or an R.O.U.S.
K. Myers (bassetking) says:
R.O.H.S. I believe, Mr. Rice, pronounced as you would “Tip is so far up the creek without a paddle, he is unable to R.O.H.S. himself to safety.”
NigaiAmai Yume (nigaiamai_yume) says:
Unfortunately, Skip has yet to learn monstrosities produced through Mad Science rarely add up to the sum of their parts. “So I should do EXTRA well with a human-sized rat.” Ya, right.
Ya, sure, I know it’s mostly Tip trying to CONVINCE himself rather than an actual belief, but still, if he hasn’t put together 1 + 2 = Lack of Reason by now, it’s his own fault.
Michael Brewer (wusemajor) says: On the upside, if the Rat really is the last link in the chain, perhaps he can convince it to relocate to Artie’s Rodent Paradise. I refuse to belive that anyone as nice as Artie wouldn’t have started a privately funded habitat or two for other trans-genic rodents.
David Harmon (mental_mouse) says:
Um, that rat isn’t human sized, he’s bear-sized!
Basil: Just because it’s dripping doesn’t mean it’s kerosene….
Ed Gedeon (eddurd) says:
Tip is juicy-looking? He looks a little tough and stringy to me … maybe needs a good marinade and some plum sauce.
…er, that just being a humorous observation and not based on personal experiences of cannibalism in any way. Really.
Dave Van Domelen (dvandom) says: Well, on the scale of psychologists, he may well be on the juicy end. At least in the rat’s personal experience.
Tiff Hudson (tiff_hudson) says: And that is why you should never go in a Secret Government Basement with less than a .44 Magnum.
So It Begins (soitbegins) says: Hey ho. Oh well– at least he’s sentient. Again.
Jeremy Berg (pisceneanteater) says: Is it just me, or is that rat friggin’ adorable?
Aaron Shades (prof_tinker) says:
Ed, don’t be silly. We need honey glazing and chocolate sauce, here.
. . . . . . . . . .. .. … . . hmmm. Hmmmmm. Hmm.
Jane Narbon (lady_madsci) says: That is a rat.
Basil Jelly (basil_jelly) says: I abhor the implication that the Civil service is a haven for cannibalism. It is well known that we now have the problem relatively under control.
So It Begins (soitbegins) says:
Today on the Mad Scientist Wars:
The Do-Gooder’s Escape, the Monologue of Jane Narbon, That Guy’s Terrible Secret, The Professor and the Teddy Bear, and Why You Should Never Say Certain Phrases While In Orbit, In Case Things Go from Bad to Worse.
Only on Comics By Shaenon II – http:// comicsbyshaenon dot free-forums dot org / !! Visit it today!!
Bill McGann (odo) says: Did someone say “hamster”? Anybody got duct tape?
Ryan Boes (thatguy) says: Maybe, when the rat says juicy, he means hot. I’m not going to judge him, Tip is hot
Edwin Quantrall (reynard) says:
Basil Jelly says: “I abhor the implication that the Civil service is a haven for cannibalism. It is well known that we now have the problem relatively under control.”
Rugby Player A: “Rugby players eat their dead!!!”
Rugby Player B: “No, we eat our *wounded*. The dead we leave for the fans…”
Tip did not follow this line of thoughts to its terrible conclusion. As a research psychologist he knows a lot about the rats from experience. But then, a rat may in turn know a thing or two about the research psychologists, from similar experience…