Me! Me! I truly think that I am Human.
Oh course, that may just be an aspect of my insanity.
I don’t claim to be a Mad Scientist, but there is evidence to support my being a Warped Technician.
I can… I did wonder a bit during my 20s, but once I learned more about the other humans….
Also, the “think yourself human” would probably be assisted by other people’s reality filters, but the fellow group members probably aren’t the best people to check your progress. Of course, this raises the question of how much perception actually influences reality. Other NHSs and mads don’t seem particularly hampered by being surrounded by the reality-blind — consider Dave’s TV interview.
Have we run into anyone yet who is not just bigoted toward NHS’s but is actively working against their exposure into society? Even the people working against Prop 39 were trying to keep them underground, not to deny their existence entirely.
Since wait-staff are never there when you want them…unless your mouth is full, an active denial system will either result in no service at all, or:
“Bwthp!!” “Where’d that ROUS come from!!!”
Bill was an extreme case though, implied to be the result of growing up with Dave. Ms. Aniwye might have better luck pretending she just sees a human waitstaff.
I meant the implication that through disbelief she can make her tail go away. She might be able to convince _herself_ that it doesn’t exist, but other people will still see it…
(Speaking of people with strong reality filters, they might be a way to check if you have a really first-rate cosplay outfit: if someone with a strong filter can’t see your costume, it’s definitely realistic).
Yeah, I think that she figures that as long as she can deny her way out of noticing the tail that it won’t matter if others do notice because she won’t notice them noticing it or…something. It does not seem to be a well thought out plan. And I also wondered if high-quality costumes could fall under the range of what’s being filtered out. It seems unlikely, but not impossible.
But that means there are people aware of the strangeness who are working to convince people that there is no strangeness by letting them know there is something strange to deny.
Is it just me, or does that logic make everyone’s brains hurt just a bit?
Man I never thought we’d encounter one of these folks, an honest to god Acaudial.
Quote Artie,
“You know, thumbies. Sapients with a weird quasi-sexual fixation on humanity. Everyone on thinks there a bit…well…disturbed.
They insist that if they concentrate they can’t feel their wings and tails, and they write angsty poetry about moving to Duluth and going into accounting.
I think you meant to reference this strip. That said, it probably doesn’t apply to her since she used to be human in the first place, and Artie’s usenet group was for artificially created sapients.
I got the impression that acaudials were the NHS equivalent of furries. This isn’t someone exploring her existence through the lens of an “other;” this is someone actively denying her existence because of self loathing.
Not much point posting this late in the day, but what the heck. Tune: “Paint It, Black” by the Rolling Stones
My macchiato comes it’s held by empty air
No rodent waiter just an empty patch of air
Nonhuman sapients dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until the weirdness goes
I don’t see talking dogs they’re all just empty air
A sentient corporation is not standing there
I see things that cannot be and quickly look away
I refuse to see them, ’til the strangeness goes away
I look behind myself and see my tail is air
My caudal ‘xtremity must be just empty air
Maybe it will fade away and not have to face the facts
It’s not easy facing up when your tail’s white and black
No more will radiation make me such a freak
No longer will I see nonhumans who can speak
If I believe enough my world will become sane
Axenognosia*, return to me again!
My macchiato comes it’s held by empty air
No rodent waiter just an empty patch of air
Nonhuman sapients dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until the weirdness goes
*Axenognosia: made-up word. From “a” (without) + “xeno” (strange, stranger) + “gnosis” (knowledge). An inability to know about or perceive the strange; reality-blindness.
[I wouldn’t be surprised if this isn’t original, but if this or a similar word has appeared somewhere, I haven’t seen it or have forgotten about it]
I don’t understand the problem. This is just a normal big city cafe with a normal big city mutated giant rat serving…wait Macchiato? That’s Starbucks lingo!
I smell Mun One.
Nice to see I’m not the only one.
There has to be a Michele Bachmann joke in this storyline somewhere.
I’m digging the Mako hair.
Who among us can truly say they think they’re human?
Me! Me! I truly think that I am Human.
Oh course, that may just be an aspect of my insanity.
I don’t claim to be a Mad Scientist, but there is evidence to support my being a Warped Technician.
I can… I did wonder a bit during my 20s, but once I learned more about the other humans….
Also, the “think yourself human” would probably be assisted by other people’s reality filters, but the fellow group members probably aren’t the best people to check your progress. Of course, this raises the question of how much perception actually influences reality. Other NHSs and mads don’t seem particularly hampered by being surrounded by the reality-blind — consider Dave’s TV interview.
I’m pretty sure I’m human. It’s others I wonder about.
I know where I came from—but where did all you zombies come from?
(TUNE: “It Had To Be You”, Jones & Kahn)
Insuff’rable you!
You don’t see what’s true!
Instead of what’s there,
There’s just empty air
You’re talking to!
You simply deny
Your brain and your eye!
By making your mind
You will get by!
You’ll banish your grief
Through active belief …
Because, if you think
You really don’t stink,
You’ll feel relief!
And if on denial you get a grip,
What isn’t there won’t get a tip!
Insuff’rable you!
You haven’t a clue!
Insuff’rable you!
Have we run into anyone yet who is not just bigoted toward NHS’s but is actively working against their exposure into society? Even the people working against Prop 39 were trying to keep them underground, not to deny their existence entirely.
Since wait-staff are never there when you want them…unless your mouth is full, an active denial system will either result in no service at all, or:
“Bwthp!!” “Where’d that ROUS come from!!!”
How did I not realize this yesterday? We already know this lady.
Good eye!
I don’t think strange-blindness works that way, lady.
(Wouldn’t the strange-blind see her as someone wearing a _fake_ tail? IIRC, they saw Unity as someone in costume)
Everyone experiences their Reality Filters differently. For example, Bill couldn’t see the androids or Artie in his gerbil form.
Bill was an extreme case though, implied to be the result of growing up with Dave. Ms. Aniwye might have better luck pretending she just sees a human waitstaff.
I meant the implication that through disbelief she can make her tail go away. She might be able to convince _herself_ that it doesn’t exist, but other people will still see it…
(Speaking of people with strong reality filters, they might be a way to check if you have a really first-rate cosplay outfit: if someone with a strong filter can’t see your costume, it’s definitely realistic).
Yeah, I think that she figures that as long as she can deny her way out of noticing the tail that it won’t matter if others do notice because she won’t notice them noticing it or…something. It does not seem to be a well thought out plan. And I also wondered if high-quality costumes could fall under the range of what’s being filtered out. It seems unlikely, but not impossible.
Where do I sign up for that class?
But that means there are people aware of the strangeness who are working to convince people that there is no strangeness by letting them know there is something strange to deny.
Is it just me, or does that logic make everyone’s brains hurt just a bit?
Now that you mention it… Maybe there’s free Ibuprofen at the program.
First lesson: ignore the illogic of this entire class. Once you get past that step, the rest is easy.
“I got a card forth is”: Hmm, must be RPN. Card went on the stack first, so… (Common sense filter belatedly fires.) Oh.
Man I never thought we’d encounter one of these folks, an honest to god Acaudial.
Quote Artie,
“You know, thumbies. Sapients with a weird quasi-sexual fixation on humanity. Everyone on thinks there a bit…well…disturbed.
They insist that if they concentrate they can’t feel their wings and tails, and they write angsty poetry about moving to Duluth and going into accounting.
They have their own webring.”, Arthur “Artie” Narbon. Narbonic, Hiccup, August 9th 2005
I think you meant to reference this strip. That said, it probably doesn’t apply to her since she used to be human in the first place, and Artie’s usenet group was for artificially created sapients.
You are correct in my mislink. I considered the misuse but went ahead regardless. The “thinking yourself human” rang rather close to acaudial to me.
I got the impression that acaudials were the NHS equivalent of furries. This isn’t someone exploring her existence through the lens of an “other;” this is someone actively denying her existence because of self loathing.
Not much point posting this late in the day, but what the heck. Tune: “Paint It, Black” by the Rolling Stones
My macchiato comes it’s held by empty air
No rodent waiter just an empty patch of air
Nonhuman sapients dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until the weirdness goes
I don’t see talking dogs they’re all just empty air
A sentient corporation is not standing there
I see things that cannot be and quickly look away
I refuse to see them, ’til the strangeness goes away
I look behind myself and see my tail is air
My caudal ‘xtremity must be just empty air
Maybe it will fade away and not have to face the facts
It’s not easy facing up when your tail’s white and black
No more will radiation make me such a freak
No longer will I see nonhumans who can speak
If I believe enough my world will become sane
Axenognosia*, return to me again!
My macchiato comes it’s held by empty air
No rodent waiter just an empty patch of air
Nonhuman sapients dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until the weirdness goes
*Axenognosia: made-up word. From “a” (without) + “xeno” (strange, stranger) + “gnosis” (knowledge). An inability to know about or perceive the strange; reality-blindness.
[I wouldn’t be surprised if this isn’t original, but if this or a similar word has appeared somewhere, I haven’t seen it or have forgotten about it]
Good word. There’s also xenomorphic or exomorphic dysgnosia, a failure to perceive “others” or “outsiders.”
I don’t understand the problem. This is just a normal big city cafe with a normal big city mutated giant rat serving…wait Macchiato? That’s Starbucks lingo!